Nolte: No Coincidence Pro-Rape Hollywood and Media are Anti-Gun


via Breitbart – By my count, more than 90 women have come forward to accuse disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of everything from the very worst kinds of sexual harassment to straight-up rape.


Assuming even half of those allegations are true, is it any wonder that Weinstein is so stridently anti-gun? Is it confusing to anyone exactly why an alleged serial sexual predator would devote so much of his energy and wealth towards disarming the public?

Weinstein, however, appears to be the least of it…

According to the latest numbers, there are 67 men in Hollywood who stand accused of abusing women and children. A few of those men are even accused of abusing other men. Moreover, the Hollywood Reporter reveals that “these stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Even now, my colleagues here and elsewhere are on the hunt, chasing hundreds of tips about harassment in many and varied forms[.]”

Imagine that. Those 67 are merely the “tip of the iceberg.”

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