Don’t Call the Cops If You’re Autistic, Deaf, Mentally Ill, Disabled or Old

By John W. Whitehead
October 24, 2017

Life in the American police state is an endless series of don’ts delivered at the end of a loaded gun: don’t talk back to police officers, don’t even think about defending yourself against a SWAT team raid (of which there are 80,000 every year), don’t run when a cop is nearby lest you be mistaken for a fleeing criminal, don’t carry a cane lest it be mistaken for a gun, don’t expect privacy in public, don’t let your kids walk to the playground alone, don’t engage in nonviolent protest near where a government official might pass, don’t try to grow vegetables in your front yard, don’t play music for tips in a metro station, don’t feed whales, and on and on.

Here’s another don’t to the add the growing list of things that could get you or a loved one tasered, shot or killed, especially if you are autistic, hearing impaired, mentally ill, elderly, suffer from dementia, disabled or have any other condition that might hinder your ability to understand, communicate or immediately comply with an order: don’t call the cops.

Sometimes it’s dangerous enough calling the cops when you’re not contending with a disability.

Unfortunately, the risks just skyrocket when a disability is involved.

Continue reading Don’t Call the Cops If You’re Autistic, Deaf, Mentally Ill, Disabled or Old

FL Residents Warned They’ll Be Ticketed for Hurricane-Damaged Homes

(ANTIMEDIA) Miami-Dade County, FL — At a time when South Floridians rocked by Hurricane Irma were still surveying the damage to their properties, the county of Miami-Dade apparently thought it appropriate to begin handing out safety notices.

Celso Perez told local WSVN-TV that he, his family, and his neighbors were starting to clear fallen trees from the streets after the storm passed through at nine in the morning on Monday. Hours later, in the afternoon, Perez got a visit from the county.

“And we thought he was here to help us or offer some type of assistance with the trees, maybe he was going to bring us ice or something,” Perez told WSVN. Instead, the official slapped a safety notice on the only part of Perez’s fence still standing.

“I laughed,” he said. “I thought he was kidding. ‘You are kidding right? We just had a hurricane six hours ago.’ ‘No, I’m not kidding. I have to cite you for this.’ I just laughed. OK, whatever; knock yourself out!”

Continue reading FL Residents Warned They’ll Be Ticketed for Hurricane-Damaged Homes

Florida Court Rules Pointing at Policy Enforcers “threaten[s] death or great bodily harm” while Cops actually threaten harm and death daily with total impunity

The level of asymmetric WAR against the people by Corporate Fictional Policy Enforcers was legitimized by making all Americans into “ENEMY COMBANTANTS” – guilty until proven innocent – by the unending Lieber Code Marshal Law from the Civil War and Definition Changes in the “Trading with the Enemy Act.” Simply using Debt as money (Federal Reserve Notes, etc) makes the user into an Enemy Combatant.

A Florida Court has recently ruled that pointing at corporate policy enforcers is not protected “speech”– where the Policy Enforcers may construe the hand gesture as like a gun, which is entirely discretionary.  To these Administrative Clerks posing as “legal fictional JUDGES”, only DEBT –their debt/checks/warrants– is seen as legitimate speech.  Such concepts allow “judges” to make all copyright works of art -such as pointing fingers; an act by actors/actresses dressed in the garb of “legal presence”- into something that THEY control, own, en/franchise, en/title, and underwrite.  By franchising the act of pointing a finger, the UNITED NATIONS (through the UN Member-Nation) controls the act.  The “legal fictional florida judge” Maria Ortiz simply put a DEBT-FRANCHISE price tag on the action to control it, and it was “allowed/consented.”

If you can’t pay up, don’t know that all “court charges” are simply administrative fees, and/or they simply don’t like us, the UN Authorized BAR Attorneys can have the Corporate Policy Enforcers kidnap and cage the SURETY (the human being).

“The Florida Pointing Case” was another instance of confusing the surety, with the authorized representative, with the legal presence.  Each of these three (3) entities is unique, and must be separate.  Knowing the relationship between these entities is the key to comprehending the weirdness of “The Florida Pointing Case.”  Let’s deconstruct the “fictional Judges” Maria Ortiz’s words…

Continue reading Florida Court Rules Pointing at Policy Enforcers “threaten[s] death or great bodily harm” while Cops actually threaten harm and death daily with total impunity

Court Rules Pointing Your Finger at a Cop is Illegal—Not Protected by 1st Amendment

fingerCourt Rules Pointing Your Finger at a Cop is Illegal—Not Protected by 1st Amendment

In Police State USA, the way you position your hand in a certain fashion around police officers can and will result in you being kidnapped and caged. According to a recent ruling by a Florida court if you point your finger at a cop and that cop thinks it looks like a gun, you can go to jail.

According to three Florida judges, forming one’s hand into the semblance of a pistol and pointing it at an authority figure is not protected by the First Amendment, and is considered as ‘threatening death or great bodily harm.’

“A judge has ruled that a Florida law used to arrest a man accused of threatening a Hialeah police officer is perfectly constitutional. The judge joined two others in Miami who have ruled that the misdemeanor law does not infringe on constitutionally protected free speech.

Continue reading Court Rules Pointing Your Finger at a Cop is Illegal—Not Protected by 1st Amendment

Police Union Tries to Claim Being a Cop is a Race, Say They’re Victims of “Blue Racism”

racismPolice Union Tries to Claim Being a Cop is a Race, Say They’re Victims of “Blue Racism”

Being a police officer is NOT a race—it’s a job choice. Criticizing how one does their job doesn’t make someone else a racist.

(TDS) — Here’s one from the ‘you can’t make this stuff up’ files. The New York Police Association says that discrimination against the “blue” is legitimate, and therefore, cops suffer from racism.

Nothing undermines racism quite like this. Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination against them for their chosen profession, (working for stolen funds and tossing peaceful people in jail for victimless crimes) a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

Continue reading Police Union Tries to Claim Being a Cop is a Race, Say They’re Victims of “Blue Racism”

Town’s Entire Policy Enforcement Quits, Sanity Prevails

Town’s Entire Police Force Quits, Doesn’t Devolve Into Lawlessness

By Aaron Kesel   August 1, 2017

The entire police force of Sand Point, Alaska quit in July in a matter of just three weeks, leaving the town without any authoritative presence, and the transition has been smooth without any type of state enforcement agent.

Sand Point, an Alaskan island town with a population of about 1,000, had a police force of three officers and a police chief mid-July.

That’s when the officers, two of whom were a married couple, began to quit one after the other and then finally the police chief himself resigned.

City Administrator Andrew Varner said that the first officer wanted to be closer to a spouse who is in the military. A week later, two more officers, a married couple, left because of a “family decision.”

That left Sand Point police chief, Roger Bacon, who then decided to take a long-planned month-long vacation to Scotland. This decision cost him his job as a “mutual understanding” was reached between Bacon and the city council that if he left he wouldn’t be returning to his post.

Continue reading Town’s Entire Policy Enforcement Quits, Sanity Prevails

Drone usage by local police, fire departments quickly increasing

Drone usage by local police, fire departments quickly increasing

WASHINGTON — Approximately a dozen police, fire and emergency agencies surrounding Washington, D.C. are using drones to capture criminal suspects and fight fires, but the unmanned aircraft systems also are sparking privacy concerns and legislation.

At least 347 state and local police, sheriff, fire and emergency units in the United States have acquired drones, according to an April report by Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

“More and more departments in the public safety space, particularly in law enforcement, are acquiring drones for a range of operations,” says Dan Gettinger, co-director of the research group.

Some departments, including the Loudoun County, Va., Sheriff’s Office use professional-grade unmanned aircraft systems. According to the Bard report, the Loudoun agency uses the Indago model, made by Lockheed Martin, with a price tag in the $25,000 range.

Continue reading Drone usage by local police, fire departments quickly increasing

Police Crimes Don’t Matter – Authoritarian Texas Bill Seeks to Give Immunity to Violent Enforcement Crimes

This bill exempts Policy Enforcers and BAR Attorneys from being sued for violence in any “official” capacity; e.g. conversion of human beings into artificial statutory corporation “persons” trade-name estate insurance franchises.  This is on top of the inability for human beings to sue BAR Attorneys because BAR Attorneys are Foreign Public Officials operating in the Foreign Territory of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION.  Attorneys cannot sue nor be sued due to the Sovereign Foreign Immunity Act; further supported by Kidane v. Ethiopia.  Even within the legal fictional system of injustice, BAR Attorneys and cops are “first class legal presences” while everyone else are “second class legally incompetent legal presences.”

It is important to observe that POLICy Enforcers are exempt from their own legal codes, “de facto“.  This bill seeks to exempt corporate policy enforcers from their use of violence: physical, magical-legal-fictional, and spiritual.

Acting in a “JUDICIAL CAPACITY” means simply a DEBT COLLECTOR.  The “Judicial Courts” are merely Administrative offices that house bankers.  They are managing Debt; truly, these administrators are managing the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC of 1933.

What about if a Policy Enforcement Office intentionally murders while in an official capacity?  What rights are left?

The Black and Blue Bill


Naturally, the solution to the problem of police abusing their authority is to hold them less accountable when they do exactly that.

Leave it to “law and order” Republicans such as Texas Sen. John Cornyn and Rep. Ted Poe to evolve such logic. They have put forth the Black and Blue – whoops, Back the Blue – act (see here) which would make it harder to sue run-amok law enforcers in civil court to recover damages resulting from actions undeniably illegal – while at the same time imposing more severe penalties on Mundanes who affront the holy person of a [LEGAL FICTIONAL CORPORATE POLICy] enforcer than those imposed on Mundanes who do exactly the same thing.

As regards the first:

So long as the victim – er, perp– was “engaged in felonies or crimes of violence” (how this it to be determined in the heat of the moment remains unclear) the law enforcer administering the wood shampoo or “directory assistance” (beating administered with a phone book in between the flesh and the nightstick, to keep the bruising down) or some other such informal technique, will be immunized from subsequent civil suit by his victim, provided the abuse suffered occurred while the enforcer was acting in a “judicial capacity.”

Continue reading Police Crimes Don’t Matter – Authoritarian Texas Bill Seeks to Give Immunity to Violent Enforcement Crimes

Laws Requiring “POLICE” to Follow Legal Code Proves that Cops are never required to Follow the Laws they Enforce

All Corporate Statutory Code only applies to Statutory Artificial PERSONS…  What are Statutory (Artificial) Persons?  They are corporations created by a statutory act of Congress yet are considered to be humans but are not.

The fact that there must be LEGAL FICTION CODES written to make it a crime for policy enforcers to break the law shows explicitly how depraved the legal system has gotten, and how out of control cops are allowed to act.

The only bounds on POLICY ENFORCERS was their own morals and ethics.  Cops seem to turn those cranial functions over to BAR ATTORNEYS who completely and totally abuse their fictitious POWER OF ASSUMPTION over the ARTIFICIAL PERSON trust insurance franchise.

Texas’s Immigration Bill Allows for Jailing of Police Who Disobey

Municipalities and police departments that refuse federal immigration orders to detain illegal immigrants could be penalized

Continue reading Laws Requiring “POLICE” to Follow Legal Code Proves that Cops are never required to Follow the Laws they Enforce

U.S. Public Servant Questionnaire: First Line of Defense against unlawful Police

Every time a Police Officer talks, they are speaking through their LEGAL [fictional] ARTIFICIAL PERSON CORPORATION ENTITY construct.

When they ask for a name, that name is AUTOMATICALLY legalized into its UPPER CASE representation.

Police do NOT tell us that every time they talk to anyone, the “person” they talk to is already under suspicion BY LAW.  Such full terms and conditions are required to be disclosed by the TRUTH IN LENDING ACT -where the insurance franchise they are assuming exists is debt loaned into existence from nothing and thus covered by the TRUTH IN LENDING ACT-.

By Law, every time a Corporate AGENT/OFFICER speaks, they are to treat the human being as if they are GUILTY until PROVEN INNOCENT, by way of the still enforced LIEBER CODE, along with the TRADING IN THE ENEMY ACT, makes all human beings enemies of the Corporate “State“!

Continue reading U.S. Public Servant Questionnaire: First Line of Defense against unlawful Police

Study: Police-Inflicted Injuries Send More than 50,000 to Emergency Rooms EVERY YEAR

Study: Police-Inflicted Injuries Send More than 50,000 to Emergency Rooms EVERY YEAR

police brutality

A new study published by JAMA Surgery found that from 2006 to 2012, there were approximately 51,000 emergency department visits per year for patients injured by [legal corporation] enforcement in the United States, with this number stable over this time period.

Continue reading Study: Police-Inflicted Injuries Send More than 50,000 to Emergency Rooms EVERY YEAR

TED Talk: Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists

These Policy Enforcers are CRIMINALS for creating crimes where there is NO CRIME.

As a reminder, creating criminals is a violation of law on many levels.  The fact that this video exists exposes that the FBI is NOT who or what they say they are.

Funding terrorists is against the statutory corporate code, yet the FBI funding terrorists.  There are statutory codes that make funding terrorists is a crime.  How is the FBI and their “individual agents” exempt from terrorist laws?   Is it that they enforce terrorism laws so thus obviously they are permitted to engage in such funding of terrorism to “catch the terrorists”?

Continue reading TED Talk: Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists

Study Shows Police Crime is Rampant — 3 Cops Arrested a Day, Over 1,100 Every Year

This would be why the general population is seriously upset with CORPORATE POLICY ENFORCERS.

A STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY Corporate Policy Enforcers stole this author’s private property automobile over a year ago and yet the Sheriff and co-conspirators continue committing their crimes.   There are no policy enforcers for the policy enforcers.  The legal fiction judges simply re-enforce policy enforcers delusional beliefs because the judges are attempting to defer their own HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS/CRIMES.

Study Shows Police Crime is Rampant — 3 Cops Arrested a Day, Over 1,100 Every Year

 June 23, 2016

… our data directly contradicts some of the prevailing assumptions and the proposition that only a small group of rotten apples perpetrate the vast majority of police crime.

A new study tracking criminal activity perpetrated by police found, on average, three law enforcement officers are arrested each day — around 1,100 cops every year — and, more pointedly, this is not the case of a few rotten apples.

“The most common crimes were simple assault, drunken driving and aggravated assault, and significant numbers of sex crimes were also found. About 72 percent of officers charged are convicted, more than 40 percent of the crimes are committed on duty, and nearly 95 percent of the officers charged are men,” the Washington Post summarized.

Continue reading Study Shows Police Crime is Rampant — 3 Cops Arrested a Day, Over 1,100 Every Year

Cops vs Humanity: Comply or Die

Compliance is no longer enough to “be safe” when interacting with legal fictional CORPORATE POLICY ENFORCERS.  They take their job of  BEING THREATENED and KILLING PEOPLE (aka: an egocentric projection of the policy enforcers threatening everyone around them, including those who comply).  Some Policy Enforcers stole this author’s private property automobile…  They are a direct threat to capitalism if they refuse to protect/enforce/allow private property by stealing all private property (by legalizing it, under color of law [1873] /statutory code [1933/1938]/marshal law-Leiber Code [1863])

When compliance itself could mean death, what authority do these policy enforcers have?  Who investigates and puts policy enforcers on trial?  The Government has a vested interest in ALLOWING maximal abuse upon its citizenry (which is actually literal slavery, maybe with extra steps).  There is no “self-defense” allowed against policy enforcers whom are mere DEBT COLLECTORS for a criminal and corrupt legal system of the UNITED STATES, INC…  who operate the governmental services corporation slavery system.  Furthermore, it has become increasingly enforced as illegal to expose any illegal behavior of a “governmental services corporation agent/official.”  The governmental agencies refuse to look into any criminal actions as finding any would harm the image of authority, and there is so much!

If both non-compliance and compliance could be death, then how about we get back to basic human rights?  Such as the right to private property?

Continue reading Cops vs Humanity: Comply or Die

Cops Record Themselves Fabricating Charges with Victim’s Camera

Policy Enforcers across the UNITED STATES, INC fabricate charges in most instances as there is no victim/no hurt party.  The Policy Enforcers unlawfully create criminals by claiming the STATE has been hurt when the STATE is a non-corporeal “corporation” that cannot actually be harmed.  It is a crime for policy enforcers to victimize people when the people have harmed no one:  Common Law states that there must be an injured party…  and Cops’ egos and propensity for violence are not defensible as “injured” for creating crimes where none exist.

One of the most common fabricated charges is assault.  If anyone simply TOUCHES a policy enforcer, that is assault.  The issue is that this goes 180  degrees as well, meaning that if they TOUCH us, that is assault.  Officers assault human beings all the time and get away with it.  Indeed, Policy Enforcers reverse the “charges” by saying that their need to touch us is an assault on them!

Policy Enforcers are/were merely glorified debt collectors with unlimited capacity (and stupidity) for violence.  The Human Body is “SURETY” for the artificial person.  So when policy enforcers ARREST people, it is because they are LIENING the artificial person insurance franchise.  The LIEN is extended to the SURETY, the human body; which was established by unlawful adhesion contracts via Birth Certificate, Social Security, Driver’s License, etc. Continue reading Cops Record Themselves Fabricating Charges with Victim’s Camera