“Sovereign Citizen” Review!!!

Here is the article we are going to deconstruct: ‘Sovereign citizen’ movement threatens society as modern-day outlaws ignore government’s legitimacy

First, the term “Sovereign Citizen” is a term only legal idiots use, both for themselves and/or against others. Using it against others is simply abusive. It’s a non-sequitur term. It means nothing. It is a contradiction in itself. One cannot be a “sovereign” and a “citizen” at the same time. Anna von Reitz even points out that legal “sovereignty” is a legal condition of a public office/government employee.

This article is beginning from the context that the term itself is legally defined… when it’s not. That’s why it’s not a valid term. They go on to define the term, without any basis in law: “people who believe they owe no allegiance to any government and are not required to obey laws.”

This phrase is a direct misunderstanding of law and conflates the “legal identity/person” with the real actual wo/man. By default, actual real people do NOT owe any allegiance to any government, however “legal identity/person” always owes allegiance because it is a THING that the government, itself, created, owns, and manages. IT is not YOU, even when they call it a “person”, or a collection of IT as “people.” Someone BELIEF that they are an IT doesn’t make them into IT.

The real man or woman is a Non-legal Sovereign

Next, the term “government” is not defined and assumes the UN Member-State, knowingly, intentionally, and malicious under illegitimate COLOR OF LAW and LAW OF WAR is a de jure government when it’s not. Corporations acting as a government are illegitimate governments called “de facto government.” “UN Member-States” are all de facto WW2 occupying belligerent powers pretending to be our official government when they aren’t even close.

It fact, it is the “governmental service corporation” that owes no allegiance to “the people”, which is how they’ve gotten so out of control. “The Government” has become a weapon of psychopaths, and most particularly in and of Law itself.

The basis of the article is that the “US Government has legitimacy” which is a serious problem to just simply “presume.”

My research into sovereign citizens has found they have long been active in the U.S. and other countries.”

The fraud of attorneys has been active in the US and other countries for a VERY long time.

The root of the term “Attorney” is ATTORN. Attorn legally means “To turn a good over to another.”🔗 An Attorneys’ clients are all the “good” and we are turned over as property to the governmental services corporation for management, called “administrative statutory/corporate military tribunals.” Not a single attorney has or will explain how this is not literally outlawed human slavery and defrauding us of our real in propria persona as real men and women. “Legal Persons” do not have god granted rights, only government privileges. We are all being defrauded of our real natural god given rights.

US courts (city, county, state, federal, appeals, etc) operate under the Gold Fringe Flag. The only definition of the Gold Fringe Flag is in Army Regulation 840-10, 2-3, b & c4.

The gold fringe is “decoration”….. for US Military Courtroom tribunals. It’s the only legal construction. Look at any actual US Military Tribunal against actual military members acting under Law of War. Why do “civilian” courts in America use the same? even SCOTUS.

Here are examples of actual Military tribunals that operate under Law of War. Do the flags look familiar?

Followed by examples the supposed “civilian courtrooms”

Every one of these “judges” acting under the gold fringe flag is feloniously defrauding the public and the state of legitimate Law of Peace Justice. If the rule of law is rule of law, every one of these “judges” would be arrest immediately for their proven crimes. IMMEDIATELY.

“At the core of their beliefs is the denial of the government’s legitimacy.”

This is not a “sovereign citizen” belief. It’s actually the definition within law, as constructed by attorneys themselves, that governments and color of law do not have any legitimacy. See this linked video.

“They commonly do not register their vehicles, acquire driver’s licenses or car insurance, or pay taxes. And they pose a significant threat to the public.”

Registering is LITERALLY an adhesion contract, without which cannot be enforced. It’s actually law. Enforcing an Adhesion contract is illegal because adhesion contracts aren’t binding, as they do not have proper consideration.

The only threat is the illegitimate corporation posing as a government which is threatening “the public” in the guise of illegal “adhesion contracts” and “legal identity fraud.”

“One threat they pose is “paper terrorism,” which involves harassing public officials with legal threats to intimidate them.”

It’s the public officials who are typically breaking the law and the paperwork is actually meant to hold them accountable to the law, their oath of office, and their job functions in office. There is no other way to hold public officials accountable for violating the law when the Sheriff will not enforce the law against criminal public officials, and their risk managers will not file claims, there is no other option.

Obviously, the governmental-like officials believe they are not breaking the law, and the attempts to hold them accountable “become” the “threat.” However, about 99.999…% of the time, the “view” of the public official is VERY mis-informed…. The government officials’ “BELIEFS” about government and law is NOT actual law. It is the government officials that is in almost every instance the one not in compliance with the laws; laws that they don’t know and refuse to perform due to their own ignorance. [Take Constructive Notice that] Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

“Sometimes, officials are targeted because they arrested or prosecuted someone from the movement.”

Until the “officials” show the ACTUAL connection between the “legal identity/person” and the real wo/men, then the connection is only a presumption. They cannot arrest ANYONE under the guise of “legal identity” until they show the ACTUAL legal construction connecting their “legal person” for us to us. The problem is that most people do have a connection… but it’s illegal to assume it for EVERYONE based on “most people” having it. Argumentum Ad Populum [it’s true because others believe it] is a logical fallacy.

“This method involves filing fake deeds and liens against public officials the sovereign citizens think wronged them. County recorders are sounding the alarm. This type of act [is] a form of fraud that can be illegal “

These extreme methods are only required because the Sheriff refuses to arrest governmental officials for not following the law. eg. like when remedy is required to be produced by an official but they don’t. County Recorders are actually part of the “legal scam” that “they” are collectively running. It’s like listening to the criminals that their victims lashing out is the problem. The problem with stopping the victims of out of control government (eg not allowing them the right to justice, property, bodily autonomy) is that it doesn’t stop the out of control government.

Interesting that filing FAKE deeds CAN be illegal, thus suggesting that i CAN be legal too… which it CAN be “legal and valid” in dealing with proven criminal governmental officials. In other words, it’s not necessarily fake, by their own word choice and logic.

“Federal prosecutors have charged him with retaliating against a federal employee by making a false claim.”

Incorrect, They changed the governmental service corporation’s “Legal Identity/Person” with false claims under the false claim that IT is HIM. Real people cannot be treated as an IT. That is quite literally human slavery. Those federal employees were treating HIM as an IT.

“Court documents identify the man as a sovereign citizen who describes himself as a “private attorney general.””

A Private Attorney General [PAG] is effectively defined as anyone initiating lawsuits for the public good. PAGs have no relation or connection or definition as or under the label “sovereign citizen.” Court Clerks have “not accepted” official documents, filings, and cases claiming under the guise of themselves acting as PAGs. It’s a thing. The governmental officials do it…. and the do it to screw people out of proper and real justice against attorneys violating the law. They don’t want to deal with that…. so they reject paperwork as a PAG. Wouldn’t Court Clerks be “sovereign citizens” for acting as PAGs, in kind?

“The FBI considers sovereign citizens a domestic terrorism threat.”

We know the FBI is the literal and actual threat against us. J6 is just one example. The FBI, etc are the domestic terrorists among us. The FBI was created to investigate public offices… so why do they investigate the general public? oh yeah. They consider every “US Citizen” to be a “public office” via “social security number.” That’s how they have authority to tax…. they consider you to be an actual employee of their Governmental Services Corporation through their illegal adhesion contracts. The FBI investigates everyone because everyone is in a “public office” without knowing or being told.

It’s on Congressional Record: 98% of Americans voluntarily pay IRS taxes.

“a Utah man was charged in federal court with stalking after allegedly telling staff at the Salt Lake County Recorder’s Office that they had committed treason and the penalty was death.”

Incorrect, A Utah Man’s LEGAL IDENTITY-PERSON was changed, not the real wo/man. Also, stating the penalty of law does not constitute a threat… it’s the law. I’ve seen County Recorders break MANY Laws before, particularly around mortgages and “legal land.” This Utah Man did not challenge the jurisdiction of the court properly, “in propria persona” and “under special voluntary appearance.” That is how to challenge jurisdiction in State Courts properly. In the instance of the Utah Man, he was entrapped by government officials not complying with their own laws for their own ignorance of them. He acted out against those likely legally gaslighting him. Regardless of the actual threats he made, he -and everyone- deserves a Law of Peace court without attorneys for a fair trial.

Also, until actual harm is done, no crime is committed… That’s the common law when all “legal color of law fiction” is removed. Everything else is just the state literally making money on unlawfully making us criminals as “legal persons.” It’s why the US is the highest incarceration rate in the world, it’s profit for corporations and governmental corporations.

Also, Government officials and Sheriffs threaten people all the time with illegal legalisms. They are NEVER arrested and no one holds the government criminals accountable. The US AG even stated that Hillary Clinton violated the law… and refused to prosecute over simply the possibility of it being seen as a political prosecution during an up coming election. Law is NOT apply equally in America.

“claims that were dismissed by a judge as “frivolous and without merit.””

If we consider the real man to be the “Legal identity-person”, then the claims are frivolous and without merit. But the “Judge” does need to provide the ACTUAL legal connection [construction] between the “defendant” and the real wo/man. Otherwise it is an illegal presumption that implements identity fraud to frame things “legally”/”fictitiously.” If anything, it’s the “legal fiction” that is frivolous and without merit. All appearance without substance.

And courts are allowed to lie and misrepresent us as an IT under the False Statement Accountability Act.

“Sovereign citizens have killed police officers and civilians.”

Self-defense from governmental service corporation employee’s crimes includes non-legal lawful use of lethal force against their weaponized color of law legalisms. It’s more typical for police to unlawfully use force, and then illegally justify their abuse of Color of Law.

Darrell Brooks, who represented himself in court as a sovereign citizen, was found guilty in October 2022 of killing six people when he drove an SUV through a Christmas parade.”

Don’t do that. But it’s those he hurt that have a case, not the state. The State cannot be an injured party because it is literally, by law, a legal fiction and doesn’t exist in reality. Something that doesn’t exist can only have fictitious damages. And for there to be legal fictional damages, attorneys have to unlawfully convert real people into “legal persons.”

Even Darrel Brooks deserves a Law of Peace court rather than a Law of War militarized tribunal operating on “statutes” but not actual law. The punishment more severe, but the bar for the crimes are higher. We see from the pictures of the court that they have a gold fringe flag. There wasn’t even Law of Peace or the US Constitution present in Darrel’s fictitious military tribunal “courtroom.” Not to excuse his crimes, as there were people harmed, he did not challenge the jurisdiction of the court correctly, and likely would have been illegally ignored any way even if he had followed proper procedure. Law of Peace would have found Darrel more stringently and thoroughly guilty of crimes.

“neglecting her 5-year-old son so badly that he died of dehydration”

That’s not good, and “sovereign citizen” isn’t going to help. Knowing and following the law to address the fraud of attorneys can produce a higher form of justice in these instances. The family themselves were hurt. The state only claims to be hurt virtue of the birth certificate giving the child as property to the state. Parents do not have any parental rights over their own children… The State is the only “legitimate parent” to “courtrooms.”

“She asked the jury to “add up the evidence” and return guilty verdicts on all counts against Brooks.”

Against the man Brooks vs against the legal person BROOKS is a very important proper distinction that is not being made. It changes everything about what took place.

“Traffic stops can be especially dangerous for police because sovereign citizens often will not comply with officers’ basic commands. At times, this tendency can lead to violence.”

There is no requirement to comply with unlawful orders, especially when the police officer illegally presumes the real wo/man to be a “legal person.” Most people have a contract that requires the police to treat people as “legal persons.” But not all.

In most instances, the police are the ones initiating the Most extreme violence… and blaming it on their victims. Indeed, NOT getting out of your own car is considered “ASSAULT” on an officer… which is how they can then break the window and assault the individual. This is LITERAL blame the victim gaslighting encoded into law, for the benefit of the state and attorneys. Everything legal is fiction.

“The person identified himself as a “Moorish sovereign citizen,” a type of sovereign citizen who claims that people of African American descent are not subject to U.S. law because of a 1787 treaty between the U.S. and Morocco, which says nothing of the sort.”

There are people who have used this and done so successfully, not to comment on its validity. Two people are apparently required to stand together, which may help make it a success. ?? I’d love to hear about this from any Moorish People in the comment section below. I suspect it has to do with the US Incorporations acting in Admiralty, or law of sea.

“Over the past several years, a new variation of sovereign citizens has emerged, known as American State Nationals.”

The original institution of America was set up with the State National as the origination of government Authority and Identity. They operate on the actual land and not under fictitious Color of Naw. It’s proper non-legal lawful. “American State Nationals” are not “sovereign citizens” until the legal system actually defines the term “sovereign citizen.” Otherwise, it’s just an ad hominem attack when used against others.

“Their leaders teach traditional sovereign citizen ideology along with new methods that supposedly let them live outside the law.”

There are no leaders. “Traditional Sovereign Citizen Ideology”…. is not defined. It’s just a weaponized disclarity/presumption. Important point: Statutes are NOT law, by legal definition, but have the effect of “law” on “legal identity-persons.”

It’s not possible to “live outside the law” when statutes aren’t actual laws. Everyone is living outside of the law given that “statutes aren’t law.” The governmental services corporation is the worst offender here too.

“[they] teach their followers that driver’s licenses, marriage licenses, Social Security cards, car registrations, and voter registrations are “contracts with the government,” which, to them, form the basis for requirements that they obey laws.”

It’s actually the legal system itself that makes, defines, and treats those things AS contracts. They do form the basis for the connection to the “legal identity-person” that is the THING that “obeys statutes.” This line in the article assumes ignorance of the law is an excuse then doubles down on that concept.

If heard people say, because it’s only signed by one person it’s not a contract. It is a negotiable instrument, which only requires one party to sign for the other party to enforce, and forms a “simple contract” under UCC. Uniform Commercial Code explicitly says that negotiable instruments act under “simple contracts” like that.

The Driver’s License Application often says at the bottom something similar to:

I certify under penalty of perjury that i am the person named on the paperwork (above).

“Then, they are told to submit the documents to county recorders and even the U.S. State Department.”

The fact that this has no context 100% invalidates the statement. Some documents do actually need to be filed in the county recorders [or the like], like the Military Statutory General Durable Power of Attorney with Health and Mental Health Directives in many instances. Some documents do need to have Apostilles and Certificate of Authentication on them to be recognized due to the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

“They are told that doing so will remove them from the reach of the U.S. government.”

Removing oneself from the reach of the US Government is not possible. Realizing they never had reach to begin with is critical to overstanding what is going on. This presumes the current “U.S. government is legitimate when it’s not, even by their own legalisms and standards.

“Paul Grice, the fifth member of God’s Misfits to be arrested in that Oklahoma kidnapping and murder case, reportedly sent his packet of paperwork by certified mail to Antony Blinken, the U.S. secretary of state.”

Hurting people is wrong. The author of the article uses the crimes to invalidate the filings, which is a logical fallacy as they are not exactly 1:1 connected. The US Secretary of State does take expatriation paperwork. The author of the article also does not recognize that there are, by law, two separate processes: Renouncing citizenship and Relinquishing citizenship.

It sounds like Grice attempted improperly renouncing US Citizenship rather than relinquish. Relinquishing US Citizenship can be done anywhere, and requires a Letter to the US Department of State documenting the expatriating act, DHS Form I-407 Loss of Permanent Residency, and IRS Form 8854. This is documented in IRS Form 8854 instructions, page 1 and 2. I know this works because I did this myself. I got the legal name/person listed in the Federal Register as a formal and official expatriate via relinquishment using this process.

The actual law requires formal expat documents to be receipted by the US Department of State with a “Certificate of Loss Of Nationality” DS-4083. Requiring “renouncing” when Relinquishing [as per law], is impossible, as once it is relinquished, it cannot be renounced a second time. RS Sect. 1999 is very clear that Expatriation is FINAL and does not need to happen twice.

“American State Nationals are also told to acquire a federal document that group members call a “noncitizen national passport.””
“an alien who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population could not be deported without an opportunity to be heard upon the questions involving his right . The Supreme Court extended these constitutional protections to all aliens within the United States, including those who entered unlawfully”

I agree that the Noncitizen National Passport doesn’t do what some of these people think it does.

The “legal identity” game piece, called an “alien”, who has entered the “game board” of the United States is in its jurisdiction. This is why NOT being a game piece is so important. The government, attorneys, and these “debunkers”, will need to produce the ACTUAL legal construction connecting “legal identity-person” to the real wo/men for “their view” to be valid and accurate.

Also, Under the UN, the only Constitutional Protections we have are the “rights granted” by the Constitution, as per UN UDHR. The issue is that the Constitution doesn’t grant rights, it protects them from out of control government. There are no Constitutional protections under the UN for this reason. Indeed, The UN has captured all US courts as “judicial franchises” to operate on us as UN Nationals. Everyone is domestic as UN Nationals.

“Sovereign citizens’ beliefs have yet to hold up in any court of law in the U.S. or overseas.”

That’s patently incorrect. There are actual videos of “sovereign citizen” tactics found IN LAW working in Military Courtroom Tribunals in Canada, United States, Australia, and UK. I’ve seen the recordings directly from and of the courtrooms doing the strangest things and dismissing cases against these so called “sovereign citizens.” They do everything they can to make it look like there is no argument or that they’re just using “judicial discretion” to close the case down before the [mislabeled] “sovereign citizen” makes further inroads into the corruption of the courts and courtrooms.

The attorneys know they are liable for not following their own laws.

As documented, It is the Attorneys who are the actual “sovereign citizens.” The things we find in law and how “governments” weaponize law and lawfare are not simply “wrong views of sovereign citizens.” People are not “sovereign citizens” for knowing and attempting to use “law” to defend ourselves. It is the attorneys who have constructed and believe the very system people complain about regarding “sovereign citizens.”

We could say that “sovereign citizens” live in their own alternative reality. The issue is that LEGAL is itself an alternative reality, like harry potter. It’s called “legal fiction” because it is nothing but made up fiction. Attorney maintain that alternative reality. People live in it essentially 100% unconscious of LEGAL as a distinct reality separate from real actual reality. They see “sovereign citizens” expressing the concept that LEGAL as an alternative reality and think them in their own own “personal wrong view”/”alternate reality.”

Don’t call people Sovereign Citizens…. unless it’s Bar Attorneys.

Attorneys, and debunkers, are going to have to explain WHERE exactly do “legal identity persons” exist if not purely in the imagination of attorneys.


This article engages world view violence on people who are attempting to use actual “legalisms” found in law, as agreed to by attorneys and how the “governmental services corporation” actual ran, to protect themselves from a proven out of control “government.”

The people in government framing the people as “sovereign citizens” are at the low end of the Dunning-Kruger phenomenon, and effectively are paid to not know actual facts about their own legal system. They “disagree” with facts about and within the legal system they enforce to rationalize doing the things they do and believing the things they believe.

“The State” is nothing but an imaginary concept. It’s a believe in unicorns. It’s persecuting people who see through their delusional belief in “legal fiction.” The see their own delusional belief in legal fiction in the mirror of those who are wise enough to see through and past the legal fiction.

This does not excuse actual crimes that do physically hurt others, known as non-legal common law crimes. There are already processes for these.

If you ask a “Sovereign citizen” they’ll say they are “beside” the corporate statutes unlawfully applied via Law of War against “legal identity” “person[as]”, but not above the non-legal common law.

The Courtrooms in America do appear to be operating under Color of law, appearance without substance of justice. We are owed Justice With Substance, not fictitious legal fiction always for the profit of the Governmental services corporation [pretending to be a de jure “government”].

The Courtrooms in America do appear to be operating under Law of War, with the gold fringe flags. The only legal construction found in Army Regulation 840-10, 2-3, b & c4. It does appear to be actual “decoration”… for Military Courtroom Tribunals. Look at the US Flag in any US DoD Military Courtroom Tribunal for military officers, our own and foreign. They all have and use Gold Fringe flags.

All Americans are OWED Law of Peace Courts of Justice, operating under the actual “Constitution” rather than without as military tribunals.

It is not “Sovereign Citizen” to point out actual things found in law.

It is not “Sovereign Citizen” to be told to “operate in accord with statutes” and then use statutes to protect oneself.

Without Law of War “courtroom” tribunals monetizing every “charge” for millions of dollars, crimes wouldn’t “pay” government. Without their “statutory” courtrooms, The bar for justice would be much higher, and consequences more severe.

No one is a “Sovereign Citizen.” It’s just a non-sequitur ad hominem justification to unlawfully prejudice and persecute others. All of it was for the profit of Attorneys. Attorneys have a License… to break the law. They are the ones who believe all the things “sovereign citizen” have found in law.

If anyone are “Sovereign Citizens” it would be Attorneys themselves.

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