Acting AS-King: How to Use a Birth Certificate to Purchase Allodial Titles (on vehicles, etc)

Audio Recording of Canadians discussing Allodial Title. Summarized below.

First, a story to set the tone. It may be true, it may not be true, regardless:
A guy in Toronto got the VIN number off a vehicle on a dealership lot. He sent a letter to ____ with the VIN and to put it in his name (via birth certificate). 30 days later, he got the title in the mail. He went to the dealership to pick up the car, but the dealer said he had not been paid. The dealer called the police. The police came and told the dealer to give the man his car. The Dealer finally admitted he had received payment for the car from the Treasury. The cops threatened the guy that he could be prosecuted for making false claims. He was given the keys to the car [kingdom?], and before driving off, he asked if it was OK that he drive without plates. The cops answered, “you are free to do what you want with that title.” He drove away with the car.

Legal Title, better yet title Allodium, has no greater title on a thing. No superior. The province has 0 jurisdiction over the vehicle if you have title. (Ed. The MCO for a car.) The opposite of feudal, by law.

Allodial title is a right.

When the dealer registers the car at purchase, they are surrendering the allodial title, MCO, to the State. You get the Use Title, but the State is the ultimate owner.

Birth Certificates are either:
1) Nothing to do with you. (aka. The state owns allodial title to the name) And you need to return all ID and everything connected to IT.
2) Allodial Title over the name on the birth certificate.

Continue reading Acting AS-King: How to Use a Birth Certificate to Purchase Allodial Titles (on vehicles, etc)

Hack the Banks – Variable Interest Loans Reset Compounding Interest If $1 Minimum Paid Each Day – Pay No Interest

This documents a great way to “beat the banks.”

This only works with variable interest rate loans. The way it works is that each day the interest compounds, however the interest is reset if paid that day.

By paying $1 each day, this resets the compounding interest rate to 0 so the full payment at the end of each month goes to the principle and not to any interest.

This works for car loans, credit cards, home loans and even student loans. When only paying off the principle, it take reduce the time to full payoff by 70-80%.

The banks do not like this being used and may even try to sue people who use this method.

Michelle Obama registered to vote as a Man? Blackmail Material?

Make up your own mind on this… “Michelle” Obama apparently registered to vote as a man for many years. Even Obama himself has referred to “her” as “Michael.” This video is citizen reporting. I’m ok with this being true, if it is. I’m not ok with the lies, cover-up, and possibly murder[s?] (Joan Rivers?) to keep it a secret.

In totally absolutely unrelated news… What is on Hunter Biden’s Laptops? Only one was “lost” and made “public” (privatized/legalized/fictionalized by “attorneys-are-asshoe”) to the “FBI-is-asshoe” and friends/foes (who promptly put everything in the deepest darkest cave recess for no one to find), but let’s look-at/consider ALL of Hunter’s laptops… including the ones stolen by Russia/Russian-Mob. Surely, nothing related to Obama or Michelle will be found on them…. right? Ahem: RIGHT???

In further unrelated news: Do the Sheriffs, State Police, Federal policy enforcers, DoJ, et al, realize that they are working for people who are protecting pedophiles with tax payer money? Why are the clients of Epstein not arrested and in prison yet? (put your LEO comments on this below).

Continue reading Michelle Obama registered to vote as a Man? Blackmail Material?

International Organizations Immunity “System” – Above the Law

Even if you disagree with Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs, this is great information about the international organization immunity act.

76 known International organization with immunity: United Nations, Bank of International Settlement, CERN, Bill Gates Foundation, WHO, … As defined by executive order.

TikToker Fired After Exposing How Plastics Get Into Pig Feed (Disgusting Industrial Farm Practices)

Ex-US Air Force Geoengineering Whistleblower Kristen Meghan Proves Climate Is Being Manipulated through Classified US Military Programs

Continue reading Ex-US Air Force Geoengineering Whistleblower Kristen Meghan Proves Climate Is Being Manipulated through Classified US Military Programs

Public Letter to NASA’s Head of new Independent Group studying “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” [UAPs] regarding NASA’s disclosure of anti-gravity tech space craft


Namaste David Spergel, Ph.D.

Congratulations on heading the new Independent Study of UAP for NASA!!  Such a group has been needed for several decades.  [Never A Straight Answer]

I have critical information to disclose to you and your group regarding UAPs and their possible origins being vehicles from NASA themselves.   This is an incredible admission from NASA that you MUST know about and account for given your roll in investigating UAPs.   NASA Chief of Security has disclosed in a voice mail publicly that they certify and register anti-gravitic technology space craft.  As incredible as this sounds, it’s true and the evidence is here to prove it.

While his voice may be a little off, i do certify under penalty of perjury that this voicemail is true, valid, and from NASA.  If you know legalisms, you’d know how serious of a statement that is.  Here is the voice mail from NASA Chief of Security disclosing certifications and registration of anti-gravity tech craft (1m):

Continue reading Public Letter to NASA’s Head of new Independent Group studying “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” [UAPs] regarding NASA’s disclosure of anti-gravity tech space craft

US bans 34 Chinese entities, citing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and ‘brain/mind-control weaponry’

This move comes after US announced a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, citing “ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.”

WASHINGTON – via The Press United – Biden officials said on Thursday they had imposed trade restrictions on more than 30 Chinese research institutes and organizations for human rights abuses and allegations of technological advances, such as brain [mind] control weapons, that undermined the security of the United States.

The Department of Commerce has accused the Academy of Military Medical Science of China and its 11 research institutes of using biotechnology “to support Chinese military use and end users, deploying weapons that control the brain [mind],” according to a statement in the Federal Register.

The notice does not elaborate on the supposed weapons that control the brain [mind].

Continue reading US bans 34 Chinese entities, citing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and ‘brain/mind-control weaponry’

COVID Insurance Fraud or Evidence that Pandemic is 100% Fictitious – How to Manufacture a Pandemic

Either Insurance Companies are committing insurance fraud by not adding COVID premiums to any Death/Injury Insurance products (and not adding any required COVID criteria) or There is no COVID pandemic. Here are two insurance experts discussing the Insurance Industry’s response to COVID:

Let me explain this. If the COVID pandemic were real, the injury and death rates would change. Insurance companies would be required to pay out more because of more injury and death. This adds a premium and additional requirements for life and health insurance due to the COVID pandemic… But these insurance industry experts are saying that there are no additional premiums for COVID and no additional criteria.

Here is how a pandemic is manufactured by criminal deep state governments (U.N. Member States):

Continue reading COVID Insurance Fraud or Evidence that Pandemic is 100% Fictitious – How to Manufacture a Pandemic

Whistleblower: Justin Carter Exposes “Targeted Individual” Industry, Frequency Technology (voice to skull, neural capture), and Private DNA Databases (without consent)

This one hour “spill the beans” is well worth listening to because Bryan Kofron (alias Justin Carter) worked for Security Industry Specialists, Inc (SIS) on targeting individuals with undisclosed advanced technologies to manipulate peoples’ minds. He became so revolted at what the company was doing to people that he had to blow the whistle. The technology is mind blowing, and mind altering. Apparently, all of Seattle is subject to a frequency used to induce a specific thought and/or feeling. “Artificial telepathy” is a thing. There could be a time very soon when all Americans are under the influence of this technology.

Continue reading Whistleblower: Justin Carter Exposes “Targeted Individual” Industry, Frequency Technology (voice to skull, neural capture), and Private DNA Databases (without consent)

How much is YouTube manipulating the “Like:Dislike” on the Biden Whitehouse Channel?

It is very clear that Youtube is manipulating the view and like/dislike counters on the Biden Whitehouse. How much are the Whitehouse stats being manipulated? See for yourself here:

It is officially official that we are being played by this criminal organization called the United States “Government.” These people are sick criminals and must be stopped by any means necessary. Where is the military? If the military does not step up AND QUICKLY, then WE THE PEOPLE reserve the right to act… not as domestic terrorists but to lawfully stop the unlawful United States “government” and their abuse of color of law, color of rights, and color of property/title.

“They’re Sweeping It Under The Rug”: FBI Accused Of Covering Up Rampant Sexual Misconduct Among Top Ranks

As if you didn’t have any doubts before, it appears that everything may not be as buttoned-down as it appears a the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

via ZeroHedge – In fact, a stunning new investigation has revealed “at least six sexual misconduct allegations involving senior FBI officials” over the last 5 years, inclusive of two new claims that have been lodged this week alone. The investigation, conducted by the Associated Press, found that each of the accused perpetrators of sexual misconduct “appears to have avoided discipline.” Others were “transferred or retired”, but were still allowed to keep their full pensions and benefits.

The latest claims come from a 17th woman who joined a federal lawsuit that alleges systemic sexual harassment at the FBI’s training academy in Quantico, Virginia. The lawsuit claims that FBI instructors made “sexually charged” comments about women needing to “take their birth control to control their moods.” 

In some cases, internal probes against the accused substantiated the claims made against them. The accused are then allowed anonymity, enabling them to “land on their feet” in the private sector after leaving the agency. One woman claimed that a special agent who retired without discipline in 2016 was able to open his own law firm after he “imprisoned, tortured, harassed, blackmailed, stalked and manipulated” her into having several “non-consensual sexual encounters”.

The woman’s attorney commented: “It is the policy and practice of the FBI and its OIG to allow senior executives accused of sexual assault to quietly retire with full benefits without prosecution.” 

Continue reading “They’re Sweeping It Under The Rug”: FBI Accused Of Covering Up Rampant Sexual Misconduct Among Top Ranks

MSM Narrative Fail – Biden Rallies Flop, Trump Rallies Storm! Yet “Biden winning Polls!” (Just Like Clinton in 2016)

Here is a comparison of a Biden Rally vs a Trump Rally in South Carolina. The polls are saying Biden is winning…. yet, if this were the case, why does no one turn out? Jim Stone says, Trump is leading the ACTUAL non-MSM polls by 87% to Biden’s ~10%. Given these rallies, and their turn out, the MSM polls are a complete farce, just like in 2016 when so many MSM polls documented that the minority WANTED Clinton to win!

Joe Biden Rally in South Carolina flops. This is before the Hunter Biden laptop scandal erupted. Biden is, or could be, blackmailed by the photos and videos on Hunter Biden’s Laptop. Biden is literally a national security risk being compromised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), yet refuses to stop running. why?
Donald Trump rally in South Carolina storms! These pictures confirm that Trump would likely win by a LANDSLIDE if the polls were unbiased, not manipulated, free and fair. Alas, the MSM is literally “in on it” because Biden would excuse the media manipulation. If trump wins, the MSM will be held accountable for their electioneering.

It MUST be noted that, for the MSM to be publishing polls with Biden winning may actually be a result of extensive voter fraud by the Democratic Party.

Indeed, Joe Biden even admits to having organized voter fraud, and for Obama as well. Which, of course, also means that Hillary Clinton also used the extensive voter fraud organization to try to win the election. 25 second clip from Biden Himself, admitting he put “together an extensive voter fraud organization” with Obama (and Hillary).

TAIBBI: With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story

Unprecedented efforts to squelch information about a New York Post story may prove to be more dangerous corruption than whatever Hunter Biden did with a crooked Ukrainian energy company (ED NOTE: Laptop apparently has evidence of, or potential for, Biden blackmail by China!)

via SubStackMatt Taibbi

The incredible decision by Twitter and Facebook to block access to a New York Post story about a cache of emails reportedly belonging to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter, with Twitter going so far as to lock the 200 year-old newspaper out of its own account for over a week, continues to be a major underreported scandal.

The hypocrisy is mind-boggling. Imagine the reaction if that same set of facts involved the New York Times and any of its multitudinous unverifiable “exposes” from the last half-decade: from the similarly-leaked “black ledger” story implicating Paul Manafort, to its later-debunked “repeated contacts with Russian intelligence” story, to its mountain of articles about the far more dubious Steele dossier. Internet platforms for years have balked at intervening at many other sensational “unverified” stories, including ones called into question in very short order:Why Julie Swetnick’s allegations spell doom for Brett Kavanaugh…

Continue reading TAIBBI: With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story