🎮e19 – The Fortnite EULA Arbitration Opt Out Form📝📫👑 #Fortnite #EULA #Memes #Gaming

Download the EULA Arbitration Opt Out Forms – Free and Printable

In Fortnite and other games, their End User License Agreements typically railroad our rights, like trial by jury, a jury of peers, and class action lawsuits, unless we send them an “arbitration opt out letter.” This is a reformatted form letter for your use with Epic Games or any other game company.

Here is a link to the HQ video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2xjiXnyGG2U

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💰e18 – The “Taxpayer Money” Myth – Grace Commission Report💭⚔️ 🐉

I hope this spurs people to action… and inaction, regarding the IRS and “our” voluntary tax “obligations.”

Who Nuked the United States over 1000 times?

You don’t need enemies when you have friends like this.

The United States nuke itself “for testing purposes” 1032 times between 1945 and 1992. Since then, nuclear explosions have been simulated in super computers. It was classified at the time: the ENIAC was created to calculate nuclear explosions, not just trajectories (this information comes directly from one of the original engineers of the ENIAC).

There is newly publish research showing the harm of the radioactive debris from this testing making the rounds: Study of Trinity+ Nuclear Test Fallout: Fall-out Impacted 46 US States, Mexico and Canada

We can universally agree that a nuclear bomb in a “US” city is bad (technically, a war crime given that all UN Member-States are operating under “Law of War/belligerency” of the UN). Can we agree that the same nuclear bomb exploding in little populated Appalachia, or the Nevada desert, would be equally bad (because it happened!), even if the numbers affected were orders of magnitude lower, when done with “intentions to harm”?

Can we not say that Little Boy and Fat Man Nuclear bombs were created and used with intentions to harm? And the testing harmed us. It seems unavoidably inevitable. We did it to ourselves.

Continue reading Who Nuked the United States over 1000 times?


We are not anti-government. The fictitious fraudulent corporation posing as government is framing the understanding that it is not a legitimate government as anti-government; they are claiming to be a legitimate government when they provenly, in law and history, are not.

What the status quo calls “government” is actually a De-Facto Corporation (for the legal identity called “people”-“person” but is purposefully and maliciously a think that is being confuse as if it were You) pretending to be a de jure government (for the actual lawful non-legal people).

The current “government” is literally defined by law, in many ways and authoritative sources, as a corporation. Corporations are defined by law as De Facto so called “governments” due to their illegitimacy and unlawful use of [illegitimate color of law] force to maintain “power.”

We should be absolutely against the illegitimate corporation posing as a government. And for our proper knowledge and understanding that we do not have a government that represents us as actual non-legal real physical human beings, we are being called anti-government.

I am FOR a legitimate De Jure Government that doesn’t abuse corporate color of law fictions to make fictional narratives to rationalize and legalize common law crimes.

Not a single attorney has actually produced any evidence that the “legal identity” is connected to the human being. According to international law, contract law is the only law. We have many literal physical contracts for these illegitimate governments to impose their color of law statutes. Birth Certificates, Driver’s License, Passport, SSN, but they also refuse to honor their cancellation and impose that legal identity where it is absolutely unlawful, especially by color of law attorneys and judges in “court.”

Continue reading Anti-Government

Trump Did Pick A Side: Anti-War

Trump was being criticized for not choosing a side, particularly not choosing Ukraine, in the Russia-Ukraine “war.” However, it must be pointed out that Trump did pick a side, the most rational side: Anti-War.

Anti-war is a side because when war is happening, each participant “side” is losing, particularly the “non-sided” who are not involved in the “violent politics” but whose lives and lively-hood are destroyed. And of course, the lives of those directly involved are also valuable. We want to keep as many military personnel alive on all sides as possible. In war, the only winning move is not to play. That is the only valid real, humane, rational side. It is a “mutual destruction” modality. That is not a rational side.

For there to be “war,” things must be getting very very out of whack, from likely “both sides”. Using military arms is using military arms against one self.

“Both sides” are devaluing human lives, so no side is worth siding. No side is the only side that can rationally be backed. Siding with Ukraine was siding with the US-UN Deep State, particularly the likes of the CIA, et al. Siding with Russia is “the worst” according to mainstream acolytes; though I doubt it. Doubting the “terrorism” that is “Putin” is not “siding” with Putin. He is not the evils being painted by the CIA mouthpieces, similarly to how Trump is painted. (Side point: the Bush family does seem to be that evil)

Continue reading Trump Did Pick A Side: Anti-War

Proof of Communist America…

In a democratic Republic that represents its actual people, we get what we work for. Outstanding work has outstanding compensation. In communist Russia, Outstanding work means nothing, so all work is sub-par… the work is meaningless because the “quality” of work you do and receive is more about “who you know.” Communism is the biggest boys club with lethal force and nuclear war heads. America has become Communist. This fact is not belief or opinion but found in reality with the attitudes of the proletariat (lowest class) [among other identifiers].

This chart documents the communist take over and the reaction of each generation to the communist take over of the US government, businesses, and money. The Chart is from The Easy Jobs Are (Mostly) Gone.

Fascism is where corporations have usurped control of government. The US government is a corporation and has been a corporation since at least 1871 (Organic Act). Interestingly, the United Nations is also a corporation, and each Member-State is considered a “governmental franchise.” (Franchise, exactly like McDonalds is a corporate franchise.) The UN even has a treaty that allowed it to take over New York City as the 4th Sovereign city-State besides the Vatican, City of London, and DC. See: 20 CFR § 422.103 (b) (2). DC has the same status as NYC, outside the 50 states, by law.

Each generation feels more and more the effects of the communist/fascist mentality being imposed by the criminal elite and deep state even if they cannot identify it or discuss it. There is great cognitive dissonance between what a real non-corporate democratic Republic is, looks like, and acts like versus what the general masses are trained to accept as “democracy!!! HUZzAH!!” (nothing but color of law identity fraud by every gov’t agent) today.

Continue reading Proof of Communist America…

ChatGPT Illuminates the Differences Between “Legally Driving” and the “Right to Travel”

In my own due diligence of law, I have discovered these facts as well; which is why I share what chatGPT is saying. The problem is that what ChatGPT says runs contrary to the common [mis-]conceptions of driving and the law. Here is what its says:

Prompt: But the right to travel does not apply to legal identities as legal identities have no rights, only privileges.

Answer: That is correct. Legal identities, such as corporations or other entities, do not have the same rights as natural human beings. Their legal status is created by law and they exist solely for legal purposes, such as conducting business transactions or owning property. As such, the right to travel, as a fundamental human right, only applies to natural human beings and not to legal entities. However, legal identities may still be subject to regulations and restrictions on their ability to operate and conduct business in certain locations or under certain circumstances.

Prompt: so how does a legal identity have the right to travel when they only have privileges?

Answer: A legal identity does not have a right to travel as such, but rather they have the privilege to travel under certain conditions, such as possessing a driver’s license. This privilege is granted to them by the state or government, which has the authority to regulate and restrict travel for public safety and other reasons.

However, the right to travel is a fundamental right belonging to natural persons, including those without a legal identity, as recognized under international law and many national legal systems. The right to travel for natural persons cannot be lawfully denied without due process of law, and any such deprivation would be a violation of human rights.

Continue reading ChatGPT Illuminates the Differences Between “Legally Driving” and the “Right to Travel”

Social Security Administration Denies Maryland Statute FOIA, Claims to be Above State Laws

North America, Jan 20, 2023 – belisoful – I recently attempted to get copies of the Agreements that the Social Security Administration has with the States as defined in 20 CFR 422.103 (b) (2):

(2) Birth registration document. We may enter into an agreement with officials of a State, including, for this purpose, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and New York City, to establish, as part of the official birth registration process, a procedure to assist us in assigning Social Security numbers to newborn children. Where an agreement is in effect, a parent, as part of the official birth registration process, need not complete a prescribed  application and may request that we assign a Social Security number to the newborn child.

Very little has been said about these agreements between SSA and the 50 states, plus DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, and New York City anywhere.

Wait…. Why is New York City, like DC, not part of the 50 states?!? This law is definitive proof that New York City has the same “foreign corporation” status as District of Columbia. New York City seems to have been taken over by the United Nations. Indeed, the UN NYC Headquarters agreement even explicitly states (in Annex 1) that the UN can “widen” their territory to Manhattan (an international banking zone), New York City (the international “capital of the world” so says Rudy Giuliani), and even to the State of New York [and there is evidence of this too]! (and without any conditions or exceptions.)

Here is what I mean by the State of New York being part of New York City-UN… If a New Yorker lives in New York City, that is enough evidence of being an “in state” person for New York College/University tuition, however, if the New York is outside New York City, students must provide an “Affidavit of State Residency” to legally (read: fictionally) establish “State of New York” identity. New York City/State is the only State that has such bizarre conditions and requirements.

This law is definitive evidence that New York City is NOT part of the State of New York, but that New York City is foreign to the 50 states. Thus, I’d like to see that agreement defined in 20 CFR §422.103 (b)(2) between SSA and New York City and the other States and Jurisdictions (DC, Puerto Rico, Virgin Island).

Has the contract/agreement been standardized? Are there differences in the agreements based upon jurisdiction? Are the 50 State agreements any different than the agreements with DC/NYC?

So, I sent the Social Security Administration (SSA) a FOIA Request to see the agreement between the SSA and New York City and other jurisdictions…

Continue reading Social Security Administration Denies Maryland Statute FOIA, Claims to be Above State Laws

🖋e17 – Solutions: Signature Colors, Copyright ©, and Reserving Rights (w/ UCC §3-402(b)(1) vs. §1-308) 🎨🛠🗺🛟

Knowledge about our signature is critical in this time of lawfare.  It is being used against us but we can take our signature back to be our tool to protect us.  This video goes over various colors of inks for signatures and the meaning behind each color, why copyrighting our signature is so important, and how to reserve our rights with UCC §3-402 (b)(1) Signature by Representative versus UCC §1-308 Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.  This briefly touches upon the US Social Security Administration SS-5 Application for SS Card and reservation of rights versus being the authorized representative (also known as “attorney-in-fact” or “agent”).

Continue reading 🖋e17 – Solutions: Signature Colors, Copyright ©, and Reserving Rights (w/ UCC §3-402(b)(1) vs. §1-308) 🎨🛠🗺🛟

If You Trust American Schools, Read This Book on Its History…

…Because we shouldn’t be trusting the American Education System given its true history.

The book is The Underground History of American Education (John Taylor Gatto, 2000); found here online for free in PDF and ePub format.

This is an amazing documentation of the history of the American education system. In effect, American education is a product of the industrialists need for slightly educated slaves in the industrial revolution from 1800-1900. They modeled and developed the Western Government-run schooling in the 1800s on the schooling that the “Untouchable” class in India received to keep them in their place. It is designed to dumb children down and make them reflexively obedient to authority.

Home education for children is the only way to get away from such a perversion of schooling.

🪤e16- Lawfare🧑‍⚖️ Why Hiring Any Attorney is a Serious Mistake ⚖️💄🐷✈️

After seeing this evidence myself, I cannot trust any attorney whatsoever. This is “hugely” important information. I present it to you to make up your own mind… Are Attorneys trust worthy? link: Hiring any attorney Waives Constitutional Protected Rights is basically a video.

Continue reading 🪤e16- Lawfare🧑‍⚖️ Why Hiring Any Attorney is a Serious Mistake ⚖️💄🐷✈️

🔐e15 – The Legal Definition Proving Government Illegitimacy🌈⚖️🦄🚷

We turn to Black’s Law Dictionary to look at several definitions regarding color, coloring, and Color of law. This is proof that government lacks all substance to their [legal] fiction, and likewise lacks all authority and jurisdiction. Everything legal is voluntary. The only power and authority government has is what we consent to and give them; but they are not honoring the voluntary nature of their legalisms. Governments, attorneys, judges, and sheriffs are unlawfully and lethally imposing voluntary unsubstantial legalisms at every level and in nearly every way and aspect of life. We must learn to say NO to the “governmental corporation” pretending to be a government.

UpCounsel suggests World Citizenry (via WSA-WGWC) for Identity to Set Up Common Law Trusts

For people who believe World Citizens and the World Government of World Citizens are “not recognized”… It is. The problem is their own opinion that World Citizens aren’t recognized. They personally don’t recognize World citizens when they must.

UpCounsel – Common Law Trust Vs. Statutory Trust provides:

Setting up a common law trust requires the following steps:

  • Request an ID through World Service Authority. This process allows you to separate the common law trust from your individual social security number. You can also create an affidavit of Identification to avoid using a state or federal ID when opening a business bank account.
  • Choose a co-trustee. Your co-trustee should be a person that you can trust as they will be an administrator to the trust.
  • Purchase a P.O. box. This allows you to protect your anonymity because you can list this as your trust address.
  • Create important business documents. You will need to create the necessary business documents including company bylaws and articles of incorporation.
  • Choose a settlor/grantor. Request that the settlor/grantor offer a piece of property into the trust.
  • Request an EIN number for the trust. This is for tax purposes.
  • Open a bank account in the trust name. It is best to create a non-interest banking account that is private. It might be helpful to first open a personal account and then a trust account. All trust holders should be listed on the bank account.
  • Register your trust documents with the Secretary of State. This is optional but may be helpful.
Continue reading UpCounsel suggests World Citizenry (via WSA-WGWC) for Identity to Set Up Common Law Trusts

Open Letter to UN Office of Outer Space Affairs Regarding Anti-Gravity Technology Space Vehicles

The United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs has interesting international treaties regarding Outer Space. Mainly, that everything that goes into space must be registered. This is a “weak point” in their hyper-advanced off planet technology… that it must be registered… and by the public!

So, let’s pretend we have an anti-gravity craft and explore what it takes to register it. NASA HQ Chief of Security left a strange and threatening but accurate voice mail regarding certification and registration of anti-gravity space craft.

Knowing that anti-gravity space craft are registered, by UN Space Law, the US Department of State would register such a craft just like the Shuttle and every satellite. Some of these could be and explain the UAPs that the US Navy & governments are slowly disclosing.

Here is the short open letter to UN Office of Outer Space Affairs regarding their knowledge of the registration of such vehicles under their international space law:

In researching Space Law, I discovered that the US Dpt. of State [“DoS”] tracks space objects for the US. Assuming anti-gravity space vehicles [“AGSV”] exist, i was researching the US-NASA process and form for certification and registration of such AGSV. Obviously, satellites and NASA Shuttles are registered space objects with the DoS. I have discovered and publicly posted that NASA does certify and register AGSV. here is the NASA HQ Chief of Security voicemail affirming AGSV:1m

My questions are these:
Do you know if the DoS registers and catalogs/tracks AGSVs?
Has the DoS/NASA/Lockheed/etc discussed AGSVs with you?
How many [classified?] AGSVs do you know are registered in/with/through DoS or NASA or other agency? How about countries other than the US?
When did AGSV registration start?
If NASA HQ is leaking that they have, certify and register AGSVs, what is the state of these technologies that your office is aware of?

Pls respond