ET #Disclosure: Mexico Makes Two ET Bodies Public – What technology are they hiding?

It’s official. ETs have visited Earth and they left their remains. We are NOT alone. Many who are awake and aware know this already, but this is official #disclosure.

Mexico had an official ET hearing and unveiled two ET bodies in two wooden crates. Mexican officials did the DNA test on these ETs and they are NOT from Earth; but 70% of the DNA is shared with Earth humans. That’s very interesting in itself. How do foreign ETs have the same genes as Earth humans?

Even more interesting is the technology they used to get here. Their technology has been, at least somewhat, back engineered because NASA has admitted to registering anti-gravity space craft

UFO Witness Declaration


FACT: From 1982 to 1985, large triangular and boomerang-shaped UFOs were reported over the Hudson Valley by over 7,000 credible witnesses, including police and officials at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.

FACT: In 1989 and 1990, large triangular and rectangular unidentified flying objects, one the size of an aircraft carrier, were reported over Belgium by over 2,000 witnesses, including police and military personnel.

FACT: In 1997, multiple sightings of a mile long boomerang-shaped UFO were reported over the state of Arizona by over 10,000 witnesses, including police, military personnel and Republican Governor Fife Symington.

We make no claims as to the nature or origin of these UFOs. However, those who have taken the time and effort to conduct serious, in-depth investigations into these reports know that these sightings are of real, physical crafts and are indisputable FACTS. Thousands of such sightings of physical crafts of unknown origin have been reported throughout the world for decades by credible witnesses, yet most who report such sightings are treated with ridicule, disbelief, scorn and even threats.

In light of the facts, we who have witnessed such unexplained crafts no longer accept this cynical mindset as realistic or credible.

Those of us who are witnesses to the UFO phenomenon know they exist for a fact. This is not an issue of speculation for such witnesses. However, we do not insist that non-witnesses must believe such objects exist, only that witnesses be treated with respect and that we deserve the same fairness and courtesy afforded to any individual or group who honestly expresses their point of view without fear of ridicule, punishment or persecution.

Recent polls clearly demonstrate that more than 50% of Americans believe that UFOs are a real phenomenon that deserves legitimate recognition and serious study by open-minded, qualified scientists, rather than being summarily dismissed as misperceptions, fantasies, hoaxes or hallucinations by cynical, unqualified debunkers. Over 36 million Americans have seen a UFO.

To put this statistic in political terms, these witnesses are also voters.

Therefore, we urge all who agree with the spirit of this declaration to send copies of this letter to their representatives, public officials, the media, the police, the military, airline officials, NASA and all candidates running for any public office to assure them that our votes will go only to those who acknowledge the UFO phenomenon as real and deserving of serious scientific investigation and who publicly endorse fairness and respect toward any witness who reports a UFO.

Ex-US Air Force Geoengineering Whistleblower Kristen Meghan Proves Climate Is Being Manipulated through Classified US Military Programs

Continue reading Ex-US Air Force Geoengineering Whistleblower Kristen Meghan Proves Climate Is Being Manipulated through Classified US Military Programs

US bans 34 Chinese entities, citing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and ‘brain/mind-control weaponry’

This move comes after US announced a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, citing “ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.”

WASHINGTON – via The Press United – Biden officials said on Thursday they had imposed trade restrictions on more than 30 Chinese research institutes and organizations for human rights abuses and allegations of technological advances, such as brain [mind] control weapons, that undermined the security of the United States.

The Department of Commerce has accused the Academy of Military Medical Science of China and its 11 research institutes of using biotechnology “to support Chinese military use and end users, deploying weapons that control the brain [mind],” according to a statement in the Federal Register.

The notice does not elaborate on the supposed weapons that control the brain [mind].

Continue reading US bans 34 Chinese entities, citing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and ‘brain/mind-control weaponry’

The End of America?

Naomi R. WolfNaomi Wolf

In 2008, I wrote a book, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. I warned, based on my study of closing democracies in 20th century history, that America needed to beware of a slide toward totalitarianism.

I warned that would-be tyrants, whether they are on the left or the right, always use a map to close down democracies, and that they always take the same ten steps. Whether it’s “Invoke a Terrifying Internal and External Threat,” “Create a Thug Caste,” “Target the Press,” or the final step, “Suspend the Rule of Law,” these steps are always recognizable; and they always work to crush democracies and establish tyrannies. At that time, the “global threat” of terrorism was the specter that powers invoked in order to attack our freedoms.

The book was widely read and discussed, both at the time of its publication and for the last 12 years. Periodically over the last decade, people would ask me when and if we had reached “Step Ten.”

We – my brave publisher, Chelsea Green, and I — are releasing the first and last chapters of The End of America now, in 2021, for free, and I am calling the sequel to this book, which I am now writing, Step Ten – because as of March of last year, we have indeed, I am so sad to say, arrived at and begun to inhabit Step Ten of the ten steps to fascism.

Continue reading The End of America?

Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths: researchers

Pfizer’s vaccine killed ‘about 40 times more (elderly) people’ and ‘260 times’ more of the young than ‘what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.’


March 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — While in January a group of independent doctors concluded that experimental COVID-19 vaccines are “not safer” than the virus itself, a new analysis of vaccine-related death rates in Israel demonstrates that this may indeed be the case to dramatic levels.

re-analysis of published data from the Israeli Health Ministry by Dr. Hervé Seligmann, a member of the faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Aix-Marseille University, and engineer Haim Yativ reveal, in short, that the mRNA experimental vaccine from Pfizer killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period. Among the younger class, these numbers are compounded to death rates at 260 times what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.

Continue reading Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths: researchers

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING – Do Not Get the COVID Vaccine

Link is here:

Turn off your TVs and think for yourself. The lockdowns will not stop until we demand that they stop. The lockdowns are a designed implosion of society by the cabal.

Young nurse suffers from hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

(Natural News) by Lance D Johnson A 28-year-old healthcare worker from the Swedish American Hospital, in Beloit, Wisconsin was recently admitted to the ICU just five days after receiving a second dose of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA vaccine. The previously healthy young woman was pronounced brain dead after cerebral angiography confirmed a severe hemorrhage stroke in her brain stem.

Her family members confirmed that she was “breaking out in rashes” after the vaccine. She also suffered from sudden migraine headaches, and got “sick” after taking the second dose of the vaccine. At the very end, she lost the ability to speak and went unconscious. The migraines, nausea, and loss of speech were all symptoms of a brain bleed and brain swelling, something her family did not understand at the time, and something nobody would expect after vaccination.

While on life support, neurologists used angiography to image the damage inside the brain. They found a subarachnoid hemorrhage, whereas a bulging blood vessel burst in the brain, bleeding out in the space between the brain and the tissue covering the brain. The ensuing swelling cut off oxygen to the brain and caused brain death. On February 10, 2021, Sarah reportedly had “no brain activity.” Some of the woman’s organs are now being procured, so they can be donated to other people around the world.

Doctors warn FDA about COVID vaccines causing autoimmune attacks in the heart and brain

Continue reading Young nurse suffers from hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

A New Satellite Can Peer Inside Buildings, Day or Night; See Individual People from Space – irradiates targets with 9.65 Ghz signal without consent

via – The resolution is so crisp that you can see inside individual rooms.

A few months ago, a company called Capella Space launched a satellite capable of taking clear radar images of anywhere in the world, with incredible resolution — even through the walls of some buildings.

And unlike most of the huge array of surveillance and observational satellites orbiting the Earth, its satellite Capella 2 can snap a clear picture during night or day, rain or shine.

“It turns out that half of the world is in nighttime, and half of the world, on average, is cloudy,” CEO Payam Banazadeh, a former system engineer at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told Futurism. “When you combine those two together, about 75 percent of Earth, at any given time, is going to be cloudy, nighttime, or it’s going to be both. It’s invisible to you, and that portion is moving around.”

On Wednesday, Capella launched a platform allowing governmental or private customers to request images of anything in the world — a capability that will only get more powerful with the deployment of six additional satellites next year. Is that creepy from a privacy point of view? Sure. But Banazadeh says that it also plugs numerous holes in the ways scientists and government agencies are currently able to monitor the planet.

Continue reading A New Satellite Can Peer Inside Buildings, Day or Night; See Individual People from Space – irradiates targets with 9.65 Ghz signal without consent

UN Removes Cannabis From List Of World’s Most Dangerous Drugs

via ZeroHedge – The United Nations voted on Wednesday to remove medical marijuana from a list of the world’s most dangerous drugs – a move which could pave the way for an expansion of both consumption and research of the controversial plant.

The vote by the UN’s Commission for Narcotic Drugs followed guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) on reclassifying cannabis and its derivatives, according to the New York Times. In particular, the WHO’s guidance was centered around removing marijuana from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs – which contains dangerous and highly addictive opioids such as heroin.

“This is a huge, historic victory for us, we couldn’t hope for more,” said drug policy researcher Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli, who has closely monitored the vote which he says ‘reinstates’ Marijuana’s status as a historical treatment for various ailments.

Continue reading UN Removes Cannabis From List Of World’s Most Dangerous Drugs

UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian’ COVID ‘Control Freaks’ In Government

Via Summit News – Steve Watson “Coercing the entire population is morally and constitutionally indefensible in a country which is not yet a totalitarian state, like China” (Ed: Notice “NOT YET a totalitarian state”)

BEN STANSALL/AFP via Getty Images

A British Supreme Court judge has slammed the UK government as ‘control freaks’ for attempting to control people’s lives under the guise of COVID, and labeled it “morally and constitutionally indefensible” to define what freedoms the public should and shouldn’t have.

In an op-ed published Sunday, Lord Sumption noted that the “debate about whether to let us have a family Christmas perfectly sums up what is wrong with this Government’s handling” of the crisis.

Sumption wrote that there are “many different answers to the dilemmas of a Covid Christmas”, yet the crux of the matter is “whether we should be allowed to make the choice for ourselves, instead of having it imposed on us by law.”

Continue reading UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian’ COVID ‘Control Freaks’ In Government

The Smoking Gun: Global Government, Covid-19 Medical Tyranny, AI, 5G, and the UN Military take over of Earth

Investigative report on the Covid-19 Pandemic and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors including 5G

Screen Shot 2020-09-01 at 6.01.17 PM

Benjamin Fulford  August 31, 2020 Benjamin

The Association des Officiers De Réserve (Association of Army Reserve Officers) spent 50 days investigating issues related to the 2020 “pandemic”. The report has been prohibited from disclosure for the time being. However, in view of the urgency and seriousness of the situation, we have chosen nevertheless to communicate it to civil society.

You have in your hands the “for the general public” version, with the Investigation Group’s names and the Unit’s symbols redacted.



May 13, 2020

In accordance with your instructions and in forwarding to you this report, the Investigation Group has the honour to convey to you its findings on the characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic, as we were able to observe them.

In order to propose a prevention protocol and to provide information on therapeutic approaches, it is necessary to establish the parameters of the pathogenic agent, which has revealed serious inconsistencies in the official version.

These inconsistencies have led to the identification of obvious corruption and an agenda contrary to public welfare, culminating in criminal and genocidal intent, and the implementation of a totalitarian state, which are reported in our conclusions.

Head of the Investigation Group, [Name and signature withheld] WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Original document: Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs

The file “French Army Report on COVID-19 and 5G Translated to English” can be viewed here. (ED: and reposted here). Former United Nations Executive Claire Edwards reads the report:

Continue reading The Smoking Gun: Global Government, Covid-19 Medical Tyranny, AI, 5G, and the UN Military take over of Earth

Chinese Officials Admit to Having and Using Voice to Skill Technology- Psychiatrists, Update your DSM

Hearing Voices is no longer just for schizophrenics and psychotics.  Chinese officials have admitted to having, using, and weaponizing “voices in your head” technology called “voice to skull.”  Voice To Skill technology can take an audio source and project it at someone so only they can hear it.  Psychological abuse is the result of the weaponization of this technology.  This is just one of many forms of Directed Energy Weapons that uses frequency and electromagnetism to cause effects at a distance.  Watch this short piece for more:

It is now possible that having voices in ones head is a result of being targeted by the police states and their worsening tyranny. All Psychiatrists must take note of this technology to check that their patients aren’t just targeted by the governments. If China has this tech, then the US had it decades ago.

Without credentials, it is nearly impossible for psychiatrists to take this topic seriously even when presented with strong evidence like this. So share this with your doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists.


via Forbidden KnowledgeAlexandra Bruce To mark the UN’s 75th Anniversary and to mark five years since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (aka Agenda 2030, aka Green New Deal), the UN has released this “first of its kind” social engineering masterpiece, entitled ‘Nations United’. We are in an information war, after all.

In my interpretation, this film explains how COVID-19 is a global false flag operation coordinated by the UN to assist the central bankers to radically transform our world into their new economic order.

Watching this makes me mad. They think they can herd us into their New World Order, because multi-millionaire Hollywood actors tell us that COVID-19 is “a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We could choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our databanks and dead ideas… or we can walk through it lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”

I get it. They want to bankrupt us and they want to scold us about being “racist” and “avaricious” while they do it.