4 thoughts on “Children Vaccinated in UK School Without Parental Knowledge nor Consent; Canada, America Next?”

  1. You can’t sue because they presume the children are state property because of the undisclosed presumptive contract in the certificate of live birth…or whatever it is called in Britain. The contract is void because they do not tell you but the entire government, courts, an barristers are lying criminals in an institutionalized enterprise called government.
    James Osbourne Holmes
    American State National
    And not a United States citizen nor a Citizen of the United States.


    1. We must have our own self-governed government of non-limited sovereigns… according to the UN to be out from under this unconscionable system. The US-Michigan has been raping my life for the last 5 years, starting with the unlawful theft of my car… I even removed the car properly from the “legal system” and there was no state title on my car; confirmed in recorded phone call with MI Secretary of State! These Courts and Government are beyond criminal. they need to be shut down immediately and all layers of management taken to Nuremberg trials.


      1. Yes. It is difficult to understand why so few people understand what has been and is occurring. It is not a fantasy to think the royal death racket controllers are putting substances in the air and water and using psychotronic electronics to influence the masses’ thinking. Some of us seem to be immune; probably because we do not watch television.
        The most knowledgeable man with whom I have studied, Donald James Hamrick said, “People do not modify their beliefs based on their experience; they interpret their experience in the context of their beliefs.”


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