Many Extremely Authoritarian Laws being proposed in New York State!

State of New York proceeded with introducing these draconian measures because New York City (United Nations) already has vax and mask mandates. According to the US-UN HQ Treaty – Annex 1, the UN “widened” their territory to Manhattan, City of New York, and State of New York. New York State is literally the “deep state” owned and operated by the United Nations. New York City is separate from the 50 States just like DC is separate from the 50 States. If vax and mask mandates were instituted in New York City, then the next step would be the State of New York; as these gov’t corporations were owned and operated by the same United Nations. The UN is widening their control under law of war as an “occupying belligerent power”.

These mandates were a claim of ownership by the state over your body. They told us that we do not own ourselves, and many people supported the states’ claims; in ignorance that supporting such claim removes the bodily sovereignty they believe they have and would maintain. A truly delusional paradigm by the sheeple: gov’t can dictate what we do with our body (support vax/mask mandates) yet “we” have total body sovereignty.

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