Australian Taxation Office – 51 824 753 556 – is owned by Blackrock and MP Jim Chalmers?

Is the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) (ABN 51 824 753 566) actually a corporate asset-holding of Blackrock, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Bank of Australia, Quantum Corporation, Tier-3, Trustee for Patricia Holdings, Trustee for Zarina Khan, and MP Jim Chalmers [Australian House of Representatives – Treasurer] (James Edward Chalmers) via Ultimate Holding for All Company?

Who is Zarina Khan and Patricia Holdings? And how can the Australia Taxation Office be their asset?

If “taxes” are overseen by these banks and people, then the UN Member-State Governmental Services Corporation of Australia does not have legitimate tax authority. What relation does the ATO have to the World Bank and IMF? Inquiring minds would like to know.

6 thoughts on “Australian Taxation Office – 51 824 753 556 – is owned by Blackrock and MP Jim Chalmers?”

  1. I have been looking into this for several months.
    I have contacted several government departments and tried to get answers, not even ASIC can give a straight answer.
    Zarina Khan appears to be a government employee and appears to have dealings with the Labor Party.(LinkedIn)
    The more you dig the bigger it appears.
    NSW and Qld government departments and a company called Local buys ( Queensland government association) also appears to be possibly involved…
    All speculation on what I have researched so far.
    My Original findings came from an extra ABN number on a Service NSW receipt, That company search started with Specialized coatings,.( Zarina’s ABN)
    If you look up the addresses of some of these companies, they are houses or units that have recently been on the market…

    Also anyone looking into this, look at the dates that some of these companies have been set up, they are close together and around Christmas 2022.


    1. Peter Mifsud
      Chief Executive Officer
      Local Buy
      Peter is a commercial transformation executive with over 25 years’ experience in leading operations and developing innovative strategies to meet business challenges. He is experienced in all facets of operational and strategic leadership gained in both the public and private sectors with senior remits in the Australian Taxation Office, Crown Law (QLD), BHP and Origin Energy.
      And nothing smells Fishy


    2. Peter Mifsud
      Chief Executive Officer
      Local Buy
      He is experienced in all facets of operational and strategic leadership gained in both the public and private sectors with senior remits in the Australian Taxation Office, Crown Law (QLD),
      Needs to be looked into very deeply


  2. it now says ultimate holding for all company ACN has been been canceled. You can no longer view that information. ATO also saying they are not going to display trading names and will only display registered business names.
    Nothing to see hear, need to look deeper


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