Message for Matt & Peter @ Matt Kim Show – Rumble

To Matt & Peter at the Matt Kim Show on Rumble – I am posting this here because your mods are basically judgemental pricks. They blocked me because they see their own reflection in my mirror and judge it so harshly (with an irrational “block”) that I can’t even rebut their (logical fallacy filled) personal attacks.

The comment below is to this video…

🚨💥💯The only persons detracting from the show is @Felbz and @aamico27 [in chat] [which is what they claim/project on me]. no joke. They judge audience for asking for clarity and asking clarifying questions. As mods, they are literally wrecking the show & audience. I highly recommend new MODs who aren’t as judgemental and dumb as rocks. “If the world isn’t according to the Mods, it’s banned.” ROFL! wait. that actually happened.

“Moron MODs” the fastest way to destroy a stream and audience. And if this comment gets banned/censored/muted, we know that your show and the mods are the joke. I am doing what i can to share real and deep knowledge and wisdoms, but only getting kickback for it.

Given what you guys are doing, there is a LOT of info you don’t have about the global situation that would actually help understand things. Like that they’ve been making us global citizens called UN Nationals since 1947.
But no, your mods are more interesting in blocking and censoring and REMOVING your audience than actual discussion. And even asking them to explain themselves …. They’ll ban you.

Again, The only persons detracting from the show is @Felbz and @aamico27. <- These guys are a serious problem for your chat in stream. Their acting as judge, jury, and executioner without accountability is destroying your channel.

Update to Matt, June 4th 2024:

Dear Matt,

Your Mod problem had persisted as, wow, another ban hammer for doing my best to contribute interesting things, observations, evidence/facts, and funnies to chat. I’m glad the 5 minute ban was only 5 minutes. After a short banter with the Mods about Moding, I was out. The issue is the same two documented in the first comment [@Felbz and @aamico27 on rumble].

The Mods in your chat are not interested in how the [greater?] world works. They say we are on the same page, and we are, yet calls the talk of that context [that i am also shocked by!] spam. This is despite that i did not repeat myself. Nor did I promote any for profit business or scheme, nor non-profits. Nor even saying anything about my own [small amount of] content [aka. no self promotion]. If saying anything is self promotion then the Mods are just as guilty; logical fallacy doesn’t count.

For some reason, they continue seeing “audience contribution” as detracting. They presume that all the people who are not talking aren’t getting anything from anything i say because of their own view. They are PRESUMING their own world extends to all the other audience. Do your Mods have some kind of telepathic connection to everyone and you that the rest of us don’t know about?

They told me that the metric for “not detracting from chat” is others’ engagement/response. soo. How are people supposed to know what is engaging or not unless it’s said? and if their own non-response is why a chat comment “detracts”, that says more about them [and their Moding] than the comment they judge of their own accord.

Furthermore, it is often we see ourselves in the mirror of others. We are reflections of each other. If you are not aware of the 7 Essene Mirrors that “other people” present/represent to us, then this is critical information in spiritual growth: ancient wisedoms. It would help you analyze the relationships between all the people you discuss… It’s very powerful information that everyone can use both professionally and personally. The quality may be dated, but the information is truly timeless. These kernels of actuality can help those willing to listen, especially with their heart.

This video is important because it documents how “others” can be a vehicle for one’s prejudice and bias. Judge and Forgive me if I am wrong: Matt, your Mods are doing some pretty heavy projecting in a very negative way; With Mods that are so hyperbolic in their sensitivity, it feels like your chat is not a healthy place. The Mods contribution to the discussion was simply arguing and judging in overly harsh ways. That’s my experience. They did exactly what they say they “saw” in me [and my mirror]. but hey, you be the judge of your own Mods.

“This is your last warning.” said your own Mods… for 5 minutes. While judging something i said at the SAME moment, that i couldn’t have read his “last warning” due to simultaneity, as a violation of that last warning. Your Mods are “crazy judgemental/biased,” Matt. I am giving this as constructive criticism because i do like you guys and your show. I’ve seen good Mods. I’ve seen great Mods. I’ve seen bad Mods, and I’ve seen terrible Mods. Terrible Mod really will inhibit a Show’s growth. These words are not anything against you or your Mods, it is to let you know.

As an audience member, one of the things i bring is that there are some important things in international law in consideration, even from a comedic view point… especially from a comedic view point! That’s my point.

Your Mods judging -maybe?- some valid qualified information/funnies/views/facts/words as spam for their own prejudices and bias may be something you want to look at. If this were happening on my show, I’d want to know.

in Lak’ech ala k’in.

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