Video- Trump vs CIA: Examining His Declaration of War (That Won the 2016 Election) One Year Later

The Political Ad that put Trump in Office documented CIA crimes and was THE shot across the bow of the CIA for Media Manipulation.  “Governments” can legally lie – it’s called a legal fiction, and everything in the legal system is a fiction.

What is/was the end game of the C.I.A.?

The One Paragraph You Need to Read From The JFK Assassination Files Changes Everything

via TruePundit – One haunting paragraph unearthed from 3,000 never-before-seen documents will shake Patriots to their core about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy .

Or perhaps worse. Make that haunting three paragraphs.

This is not pretty.

But it is likely President Donald Trump understands what Kennedy comprehended, which now appears to have led to his murder:

The out-of-control shadow government in this country threatens the fabric and the future of the United States.

See for yourself.

Continue reading The One Paragraph You Need to Read From The JFK Assassination Files Changes Everything