GERMAN REPORT: 75 European Fully Vaccinated Athletes Have Died or Became Seriously Ill From “Sudden” Heart Attacks In the Past 5 Months

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13 years old and over! Long list of athletes who “suddenly” died or were seriously ill

GERMANY – Report24 News – (Translated from German) We took a long time for this research, selecting each case individually. Was there a noticeably high number of “sudden and unexpected” deaths in sport and top-class sport until mid-2021? No official can (and will not) explain a possible accumulation since the start of gene “vaccinations”. According to the possibly blackmailed and bribed media and politics, these are unfortunate coincidences – although already 13-year-olds with heart problems are falling over on the public square.

Continue reading GERMAN REPORT: 75 European Fully Vaccinated Athletes Have Died or Became Seriously Ill From “Sudden” Heart Attacks In the Past 5 Months

How Media is Legally Allowed to Lie to You – Smith-Mundt Modernization Act w/ Alex Hilton | ACAS#46 (link)

Returning guest, Alex Hilton, lays out the facts involving the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, which allows the U.S. Agency for Global Media to publish deceptive, psychologically impacting lies to major media platforms in the U.S. and abroad.


Continue reading How Media is Legally Allowed to Lie to You – Smith-Mundt Modernization Act w/ Alex Hilton | ACAS#46

Reddit bans VaccineAteMyFace whistleblowers but allows CovidAteMyFace misinformation

Reddit has been banning communities against the COVID vaccine narrative and my recent subreddit VaccineAteMyFace (to document vaccine injury) has been banned today for sharing a counter narrative.

For a few weeks I have been running the subreddit as a mockery of the /r/COVIDAteMyFace mockery of “anti-vaxxers.” It’s very difficult to make fun of people who are injured from the vaccine and were never fully informed that such terrible things could happen to them. Exposing the vaccine injury cover up and abuse of “informed” consent is required for us to move passed the official narrative.

Today, despite sharing news worth counter-narratives, my subreddit was shut down because it is claimed that I was deceptively impersonating… myself. It had 6 members.

COVIDAteMyFace is allowed to make a mockery of critical thinkers and spread the misinformation that vaccine injury doesn’t happen, with 30,000+ members, while a subreddit of whistle blowers for 6 people is not allowed because it doesn’t conform to the gov’t/MSM official narrative regarding Vaccines and COVID.

Before the subreddit was banned, about 1/3 of the articles posted to VaccineAteMyFace were automatically blocked by the Reddit Algorithm without cause.

There is no free speech left in America when gov’t and companies literally shut down valid legitimate communities/communications warning people of vaccine injury and only supporting the misinformation of the official narrative.

There is no freedom of speech in America, there is no rule of law in america. All gov’t officials must be held accountable, WITH FORCE WHERE REQUIRED under public authority and self defense for their crimes.

Restored Links (that “some” do not want collected together):

(MSN) Fauci said masks were not ‘really effective’ at blocking virus, emails reveal

(Anna Von Reitz) Everyone Who Received the Purported Vaccine is Now “Patented”

(The Gateway Pundit) Teenage boys 6x more likely to suffer heart problems from the COVID Vaccine than be hospitalized by COVID

Dr Molly James – Doctors about to quit, pressured to get vaccine, pressured to LIE

Crow House interviews UK Funeral Director John O’Looney –

COVID Whistleblower claims VAERS Reporting Database Tracking Vaccine Complications is WRONG and undercounting by a factor of 100!

CDC changed definition of “vaccine” to give mRNA jab immunity

New Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT

Three New studies find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work

Governor Jay Inslee admits that COVID Tests are JUNK

Biden Told OSHA to hide vaccine side effects [Video]

CV19 Vaccines are Poison – Karen Kingston

Whistleblower Nurse quits job because of COVID medical conspiracy and vaccine injury

TOTAL FRAUD: CDC allows hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated deaths”

Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS “Delta” Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital! *(HUGE!!)


THIS IS MASSIVE !!! 🚨🚨🚨 Please Share!!! A Member of The FDA Vax Panel Today Said… “We Are Killing More People Than We Are Saving With The Shots”

Explosive! Public health data: 80% of COVID-19 deaths in August were vaccinated people

COVID propaganda roundup: The ‘safe and effective’ narrative implodes

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right; It IS a “Poison-Death Shot”

Political commentator Kim Iversen unpacks ‘alarming and shocking’ COVID data from Israel

Medical associations back stripping licenses from doctors who warn against COVID-19 jabs

Former FDA Boss: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was a Bunch of Bullsh*t

Project Veritas PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

Project Veritas PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated

Stew Peters interviews UK Funeral Director John O’Looney –

Daughter Of Man Having Arm Amputated From Clots After Vaccine Speaks Out

More #ClotShot Bloodwork Analysis: Another Doctor Blows Whistle On Post-Vaccine Anomalies

Jim Stone: Comirnaty is (possibly) a classified bioweapon, from their own filing

Chinese cupping vaccine BLOOD removal shows vax turns blood into CLOTTED JELLY [VIDEO] (why is gov’t and media doing nothing but mocking and gaslighting the unvaxxed?)

Pulmonary Nurse for 31 Years Testifies How he Unknowingly Killed Patients Following COVID Protocols

Canada calls any untested illness as COVID, allowing automatic quarantine, taking of children, etc [Proof of Scientific Medical Fraud in Canada]

Project Veritas: PART 3 Johnson & Johnson: ‘Kids Shouldn’t Get A F*cking [COVID] Vaccine;’ There are “Unknown Repercussions”

Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower

Project Veritas: PART 4 Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.’ #ExposePfizer

Project Veritas: Part 5 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There’

BOMBSHELL: Australia’s Gladys Berejiklian was bribed and blackmailed by Big Pharma to impose COVID “vaccine” mandate (was Biden blackmailed given Hunter’s laptop?)

VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required

Physician to FDA, CDC: In 20 Years of Practicing Medicine, ‘I’ve Never Witnessed So Many Vaccine-Related Injuries’

Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19

Get second J&J dose ASAP say health experts after FDA advisory committee recommended approval of booster: Protection fell from 88% to just 3% in six months, study finds

Canadian Doctor Says Covid ER Rooms Were Empty in 2020, but now are Filled with Vaxxed Patients

Pharmacy Manager Quitting From Safeway Over “Poison” Vax Deaths [Video]

Comcast Censors TV Ad by Family Claiming 12yo Daughter was Paralyzed by Pfizer Jab [with the 30 second censored ad]

WOW! UK School Director Admits on National TV that 30 Kids Are Out with COVID and 14 Are Out with Vaccine Side Effects — WTH?

Texas Doctor reviews and shows pictures of known vaccine damage in autopsies VIDEO 13m

New Study Finds Vaxxed ‘Just as Likely to Spread Virus’ as Unvaxxed, Destroys Case for Mandates

GERMAN REPORT: 75 European Fully Vaccinated Athletes Have Died or Became Seriously Ill From “Sudden” Heart Attacks In the Past 5 Months

Video: Trust Ultra, Trust Naomi (1h24m) – CIA programs, subliminals, COVID scam & vaccine bioweapons, those involved (Fauci), HIV-AZT, multi-modal genocide. how to get over ppls’ cognitive dissonance.

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age

Special report Israeli TV Admits Vaccines Kill via Fatal “immune erosion” BOOM! (Video: 1m)

GERMAN CHEMISTRY PHD MURDERED TODAY FOR THIS WARNING: Graphine hydroxide are nano-razor blades cutting up blood vessels when athletes exercise and vains are hit during injections. Not biodegradable, 0.1nm thick x 50nm length-width.

Another Dr tries to warn us. Will you hear her? Explains negative effects of each shot and booster. (video: 5m)

Former Australian NSW Police Sergeant Stephen Kelly – Vaccines and Mandates must be questioned if you are Sane; it is immoral, unethical, and illegal to exclude the unvaxxed from society (Video: 31m)

2021.12.07 John O’Looney UK Funeral Director update on deaths being thrombosis (and effects). The body immune system of the vaxxed are failing -being blamed on COVID Omicron-, being observed.

2021.12.13 Robert W Malone, MD found IN LAW (Federal Register) that gov’t shall lie about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, regardless of veracity to the contrary, to get as many people to take the vax as possible.

2022.01.03 Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64, Unprecedented. (from the vaccine)

2022.01.13 “We Failed”: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them

2022.02.26 BOMBSHELL: Biological Study PROVES Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Permanently Alters Human DNA (Conspiracy “theorists” are correct AGAIN, not mis-info! shame on MSM for treating this as mis-info)

2022.02.26 More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic beganCOVID Spike Protein Contains DNA Sequence Patented By Moderna THREE YEARS Before Pandemic Began, Scientists Discover

2022.04.09 UPDATE: A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23” – (VIDEO)

2022.05.05 FDA restricts J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine due to blood clot risk (this is what the data says should have happened since introduction, this is the key fact that got the sub-Reddit banned; now confirmed)

2022.05.09 Editor of the British Medical Journal tells the FDA about Serious Concerns over Pfizer Trial Data Integrity

2022.05.09 STUNNER: New Data from Walgreens Reveals Unvaccinated Have the Lowest Positivity Rate for COVID — Triple and Double Vaxxed Groups Have the Worst Rate

2022.08.09 COVID19 Genocide – Watching the World Die Video (37m)

2022.08.15 USA Watchdog interview – Lt. Col. Theresa Long, MD at Fort Rucker as U.S. Army’s top Flight Surgeons and an expert on public health explains that the “vax” is DANGEROUS AND DEADLY. The “vax” is “grounding” some US Army pilots. The Spike protein (apparently) deactivates tumor suppression gene.

2022.10.29 U.S. Government data confirms a 143,233% increase in Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination

2022.11.17 Surgical Neurology International in NIH article database: COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

DHS Labels Those Questioning COVID Shots “Domestic Violent Extremists”

Via the Desert Review – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin implying that if Americans question and challenge the COVID shot mandates, they are now considered potential “Domestic Violent Extremists” (DVE). However, as the United States approaches the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the “terrorism alert” does not mention Muslim extremism being a threat and it barely mentions al-Qaida.

The Secretary of Homeland Security made an alarming announcement creating this as the official position of the United States Government under Joe Biden.

The NTAS bulletin states, “These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence. Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions” (emphasis added).

So according to the Biden administration, the imposed COVID shot mandates are only “perceived government restrictions” instead of actual violations of federal law and the Nuremberg Code.

The so-called “vaccines” against COVID-19 have only been approved for experimental and investigational use, which emphasizes that people cannot be forced to take experimental drugs without their full consent. All of the COVID-19 mRNA injections (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson) have received only authorization of emergency use (EUA) and not full FDA approval. The EUAs for both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA experimental injections and any other EUA shot require fact sheets to be given to vaccination providers and recipients.
The issue of forced medical experimentation in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s and the related trials of doctors and public health officials led to the adoption of the Nuremberg Code. Interestingly, the FDA includes on its website the Nuremberg Code which emphasizes that people cannot be forced to take experimental drugs without their full consent.

However, neither the federal law nor the Nuremberg Code, and certainly not Americans’ freedom to choose, mean anything to the Biden administration. On the other hand, the DHS seems rather paranoid in their need to label anyone as a terrorist who would question the COVID-19 response.

The DHS bulletin continues: “Through the remainder of 2021, racially- or ethnically-motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States. These extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks. Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year…There are also continued, non-specific calls for violence on multiple online platforms associated with DVE ideologies or conspiracy theories on perceived election fraud and alleged reinstatement, and responses to anticipated restrictions relating to the increasing COVID cases” (emphasis added).

Now more than at least half of Americans who have refused the injections would now be defined as dissidents and domestic terrorists within their own nation. In addition, the very freedom for which Americans have fought and died, is now “merely figments of their imagination.” The needle being forced into the arms of federal workers, airline workers, etc., is only the perception of a “forced medical treatment” instead of reviewing the actual  VAERS data that shows 571,830 adverse events, including 12,791 deaths as of August 6, 2021.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “The Department of Homeland Security terror threat bulletin, which includes people who question COVID shots and unconstitutional government mandates, is appalling. While this sounds like ‘fake news,’ it is unfortunately true. Shame on the Biden DHS.”

COVID Insurance Fraud or Evidence that Pandemic is 100% Fictitious – How to Manufacture a Pandemic

Either Insurance Companies are committing insurance fraud by not adding COVID premiums to any Death/Injury Insurance products (and not adding any required COVID criteria) or There is no COVID pandemic. Here are two insurance experts discussing the Insurance Industry’s response to COVID:

Let me explain this. If the COVID pandemic were real, the injury and death rates would change. Insurance companies would be required to pay out more because of more injury and death. This adds a premium and additional requirements for life and health insurance due to the COVID pandemic… But these insurance industry experts are saying that there are no additional premiums for COVID and no additional criteria.

Here is how a pandemic is manufactured by criminal deep state governments (U.N. Member States):

Continue reading COVID Insurance Fraud or Evidence that Pandemic is 100% Fictitious – How to Manufacture a Pandemic