Exclusive: Former Joe Biden Secret Service Agent: We Had to Protect Women From Him, ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’

A former Secret Service agent assigned to the Vice President Joe Biden residence claims that the Service often had to protect female agents from him.

via The Gateway Pundit – by Cassandra Fairbanks at Big League Politics – Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the agent asserted that,  “We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President’s house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend’s asses.” The annual party was for agents and Navy personnel who were tasked with protecting the Biden family.

“He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible,” the agent said.

According to the source, a Secret Service agent once got suspended for a week in 2009 for shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him. The situation got so heated, the source tells Big League, that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President.

Additionally, the agent claims that Biden would walk around the VP residence naked at night. “I mean, Stark naked… Weinstein level stuff,” he added.

He said that the men on duty would frequently stand in front of female agents and Navy women that were present “like a damn guardian.” On some occasions, they would make up reasons to get the women away from where he was.

The agent said he was specifically concerned about women in the Navy.

“They weren’t allowed to disobey him at all, but we’d take them away under pretend auspices,” the agent stated.

The official Vice Presidential residence is the Queen Anne style house at One Observatory Circle in Washington, DC, which is located on the northeast grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory. The property is maintained and cared for by the service branch.

Best-selling author Ronald Kessler wrote about Biden’s problem with female agents in his book The First Family Detail.

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,”Kessler wrote. “Female Secret Service agents find that offensive.”

Our source confirmed this sentiment, adding that “it was especially an issue at his Delaware house that he would go to every weekend.”

“He would only get naked when Jill was absent,” he added.

Biden has also long been criticized for his contact with women and girls in photos and videos, and was even referred to as “Creepy Uncle Joe Biden” by the Washington Post.

In a report from the Washington Examiner titled, ‘Joe Biden’s Woman Touching Habit,’ Byron York wrote that he has a tendency to be “particularly affectionate with women in business and social situations, like the 2013 Christmas party at which he embraced reporter Amie Parnes.”

The agent also worked under the Bush administration, and added that Vice President Dick Cheney “never grabbed any butts or breasts.”

We have reached out to a Biden spokeswoman for comment, but did not receive a response by time of publishing.

177 thoughts on “Exclusive: Former Joe Biden Secret Service Agent: We Had to Protect Women From Him, ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’”

  1. My name is Steve Antoine. I was transferred to Panama by Brennan to ruin his daughters relationship with fiancée and their forthcoming child because of Biden, Clinton, and POTUS doing a child sacrifice in the Whitehouse!


  2. This is BS! But it’s ok for Trump to have repeated “hush money “ incidents! On tape that he grabbed woman’s privates and that’s ok for a President! And numerous incidents of groping and harassment! The only complaints against Joe is that he’s friendly! A man with compassion! Jill Biden is a very smart woman and would never tolerate that type of behavior! The only way Trump thinks he can win is by him and his people making up FALSE stories! Get real and get to the issues! Trump has rippled our country apart time after time! He doesn’t know how to win fairly and be victorious! He lost to Hillary by millions of votes! He can’t keep a cabinet because if they don’t agree with him they get fired! He’s in bed with Russia besides other women! He has set such a low presidence a monkey should best him! And he killed the economy. I knew it would happen sooner or later! People are dying from the caronavirus because he wouldn’t listen to professional Healy care aides! America was always the leader of the world and know our allies are laughing at us! We will have the most deaths because he is so ignorant! So now he’s been exposed and is panicking! How does it feel Trump? I guess you should have prepared our country weeks ago but you were to busy blaming democrats for the virus! You disgust me!


    1. So sorry you are do deluded. President Trump is a very strong, intelligent, compassionate man. Joe Biden is a looser and has been all of his life. Even, Obama did not back him when he first started to run. Obama jumped in to save his ass from Obamagate. Biden is senile, corrupt, creepy and he lies continually.


  3. He has issues for sure .
    Plus this man has dementia
    I saw his speech and his stare after .
    My mother in law has the same ,I see he stares and acts the same as she does.
    He is just what they want .
    A Puppet …
    Very sad ..


  4. Alright, compare his actions to tRump. “Grab’em by the pussy” Multiple wives, mistresses, whores, etc… Makes Biden look like a saint in comparison…


  5. I have no idea why he was allowed to behave in the manner that we see him on many many Clips on TV ,news, speeches that he’s given on the presidential candidate tours…


  6. Lock him up in the loonie bin!!! He should be prosecuted for all his groping any females!!! He’s “Creepy Joe”!!!!!


  7. You can see how sick he is around little girls people you have to be ashamed to want someone like this.


  8. I certainly do not doubt it. He has some serious mental problems about his privileges with the female sex.


  9. I don’t care who he is if he fondled my wife or any of my children I would go down in history as the man who took VP Biden to the ground.Damn pervert.


  10. This is terrible for a man to think he can continue on in the way he is doing. He should be prosecuted before he really hurts a child in a very bad way. He has no moral decency or conscience whatsoever when he’s charged with rape, someone will wish they had done something. There’s no excuse for what he does.Id like to know how he keeps getting away with his criminal activities ? Ms


  11. When I was an intern. It was well known to stay far away from the Kennedy’s. You were warned on the first day to avoid them and never get caught in the tunnels (underground walkways) or elevators with Ted Kennedy. That was in th 80s so uts been prevalent for decades.


  12. Why does this creep always have to get his face in your space. I’d slap the hell out of him if he got that close to my face. Secret Service would only see the aftermath. Who the fuck does he think he is.


  13. I think the Government needs to answer for what they do if it was just a man with no be money he would be in Jail


  14. Ok We accept Trump would tired so under hand and LIES.But don’t do this .We all know the low down shit that Trump do and done.Have you’ll forgot about the 25! women who has.charges against the Orange Pumpkin.I don’t believe this shit.We see what happens with the Lady that
    Claim that he sexual assault her.A nother lie You are that hard up for a story.Get a LiFE


  15. Well, I do believe in Morals & Values ; but i often wonder if these accounts are taken out of context.. I come from a era when we, the Good folk *stepped up to make the world a Better place -ie) 🎶what the world needs now is love, sweet love ; not just for some, but for everyone.. ‘just too little of’..
    I was a Hugger myself ; but yes on the other hand : Most people Misunderstood & Misrepresented.. I think Mr Biden should answer these charges : he needs to Clear the air !


  16. This creep has no place in our government. He is mentally deficient and a complete pervert. I’m glad he never has a chance to get near my daughters because I’d get in real trouble with the response he would get.


  17. We need those women he went naked in front of to come forward.
    This is Trumped up bull.
    Trumped up.


  18. He is a trashy pervert now And has always had been, if he wast not big in the political world
    He would be in prison ,, where he should be for life ,,,, he is disgusting and his wife should stop him, she knows his mind is going but even if that was not going on , he is a creepy old job 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


  19. Looks like DC turns a blind eye to an “important “ federal employee: who has distasteful sexual predatory intentions of becoming familiar with as many women’s asses as he can. Even the SS had to protect women from Uncle Low. Will no husband dare deck this creep!


  20. For him to get away with this behavior is Pathetic. With You Tube taking down the tapes is also Pathetic .


  21. This guy is sick and needs mental support and must stay away from-all women including children big problem for the lefty jerkoffs ! Surround him west village men dressed as women 😳😳😱😱🥵


  22. He`s not worth commenting, every one know how touchy, feely he is…and if Voted in office they are perverted like he is……..While in office with the big O , he should of did something for us American People………


  23. And this is what the democrats picked for a president that could have just picked a farm hog it probably would have been better and smarter


  24. Last thing we need in the white house is a dishonest,immoral,perverted,peabrained,absentminded,ready for the looneybin,womanizer,child and teen or whatevers handy molester.he belongs in a white cell with the key trown away.


  25. Why is that pervert still in public office, why hasn’t charges been brought against him. Her s a pediophile and pervert.


  26. He’s absolutely disgusting as a so called man. Can’t keep his hands to himself. 😡🤬


  27. Trump and anybody I. D.C. knows Biden is a threat and will do anything to stop Biden from becoming President of the United states. If Trump and his Administration know for there own good from being put into another investigation of CORRUPTIONS. LEAVE BODEN ALONE.


  28. we women see Biden as a pervert he always has his hands on a woman and I think they are finally speaking up THANK GOD


  29. Biden needs to be investigated…Women and parents of children touched by Biden must speak up


  30. This is highly disturbing. I can clearly see in photos and from reading Tara Ried’s statement about what this sick f**k did to her, and most likely, countless others. Too bad he didn’t get a smack down from the secret service agent, who’s wife got more than she bargained for when he grabbed her breast. If this asshole perv boy gets elected, I pity not only our country but I pity any women or young teenager who has to be groped by uncle pervy Biden.


  31. I think he’s a creep. I’d never want to be around him. He’s one sick old man. I can’t stand the way he kisses and hugs little girls.


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