YouTube Censors Our Latest Short Video Drop- Zero Algorithm Views in First Hour

YouTube, informally knows as #CensorTube, has started shadow banning my videos. This got exactly ZERO algorithmic views in the first hour when videos are supposed to be farmed out and “vetted” by the algorithm. Should this video be so censored?

Here is Stephanie Kelton, Economic Advisor to Bernie Sanders, in a TED Talk explaining that the US Government funds itself by simply printing money from nothing.

I must be over the target, or something. The above Jimmy Dore Show short is further evidence supporting Episode 18 – The Taxpayer Money Myth: Grace Commission Report.

We could pay NOTHING in IRS taxes, and still everything would be fully paid. IRS taxes are literally Extortion, through and through. IRS taxes are Voluntary for 98% of Americans. Please, people, Wake up. We don’t need to fund these genocidal war mongers, psychopaths, and proven “government” criminals.

Another issue was that 𝕏/Twitter is/was also hard shadow banning all my posts and replies. Posts marked as “spam” and “offensive” got more engagement than my posts and replies.

Support me on 𝕏/Twitter with a follow and reposting any material/proof you resonate with.

PS. There are a few views coming in from this post and other outreach efforts. Thanks #CensorTube!

2 thoughts on “YouTube Censors Our Latest Short Video Drop- Zero Algorithm Views in First Hour”

  1. Re: “Please, people, Wake up. We don’t need to fund these genocidal war mongers, psychopaths, and proven “government” criminals.”

    The fact that psychopaths rule is only ONE part of the equation. The pack of leading psychopaths do not operate in a vacuum, and never have. There are 2 destructive human pink elephants in the room and they are MARRIED — study the free essay “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room”… (or

    The criminals in power are in those positions and do what they do ONLY because of the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of self-entitled “decent” or “good” or “awake” or “religious” people — the 90-95% of the herd — and because they do NOT really want the truth but comforting fantasies.

    “Our current ‘state’ is the dictatorship of evil. We know that already, I hear you object, and we don’t need you to reproach us for it yet again. But, I ask you, if you know that, then why don’t you act? Why do you tolerate these rulers gradually robbing you, in public and in private, of one right after another, until one day nothing, absolutely nothing, remains but the machinery of the state, under the command of criminals and drunkards?” — from a White Rose Pamphlet, the ‘White Rose’ was a German resistance group fighting Hitler’s Nazi regime

    Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the human rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant in a narcissistic fantasy land and play victim like a little child?

    Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.

    And if anyone does NOT acknowledge, recognize, and face (either wittingly or unwittingly) the WHOLE truth THEY are helping to prevent this from happening. And so they are “part of the problem” and not part of the solution.

    “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it.” — from a poster

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

    “There are large numbers of scientists, doctors, and presstitutes  who will sell out truth for money, such as those who describe people dropping dead on a daily basis as “rare” when it it happening all over the vaccinated world.” — Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., American economist & former US regime official, in 2024

    psychopaths“Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies…God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven’t explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter


    1. Thank you for sharing!

      My comment is in primary reference to Episode 18

      💰e18 – The “Taxpayer Money” Myth – Grace Commission Report💭⚔️ 🐉

      Basically, paying IRS taxes is voluntary for 98% of Americans.
      100% of IRS taxes is STOLEN by the deep state.
      100% of the US Government is funded by the Unconstitutional creation of Fiat money.

      We could pay exactly NOTHING in IRS taxes and still everything would be paid in full, without any repercussions.

      Even without knowing anything about how bad the system is, or the people who abuse it against us, we are volunteering to be ROBBED by the IRS to pretend to fund infinite wars.

      It is up to each of us to choose what to do about our money being completely stolen by the IRS.

      I, personally, will not participate in crimes against myself. It’s basic exercise of the “5th Amendment”…. if the US Constitution applied to us as UN Nationals. (It doesn’t but at least I can pretend to play into other people’s ignorant-“idiot” beliefs that it does)


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