The Many Sovereign City-States: Vatican City, City of London & Westminster, DC, UN (New York City), CERN, Monaco, Geneva, Singapore and the World

Generally, it is discussed among the knowledgeable that the Vatican City, City of London, and City of Washington DC were sovereign city-states.  These city-states essentially owned the world by uninformed consent and franchises.  There are other City-States and they are just as important as these three.  The handful of City-States are the United Nations-City of New York, C.E.R.N., Republic and Canton of Geneva/Switzerland, Moscow City, Monaco, Singapore, World, and several other lesser important city-states (for this discussion, that is).

The Vatican City

The Vatican City owned the earth, all property, all humans, and all spirit through its “posted and recorded” magickal Papal Bulls.  It gained “City-State”-hood through an international treaty (Lateran Treaty, 1929) with the Fascist Benito Mussolini for the Vatican’s support of Hitler’s Nazi Regime.

Continue reading The Many Sovereign City-States: Vatican City, City of London & Westminster, DC, UN (New York City), CERN, Monaco, Geneva, Singapore and the World

Bank Insider Describes Inept Obsolete Global Banking System -The Reasons to use Bitcoin

These are the style of banking computers still used by major banks today.  They are slower than your smart phone and tablet.

All banks COPY debts for a transfer.  They don’t actually TRANSFER debt.  Each bank creates a whole new set of “debt” -by loaning it into existence- for any particular “negotiable instrument.”  That’s why it takes 2-3 days for ACH and Checks to clear…  the negotiable instrument technically MUST go into DISHONOR for the bank to replicate the debts in the ways they need to maximize shareholder profit.  The banks aren’t even waiting the 3 business days any more… they are just replicating debt with honor because that’s what they do.

Given all the non-sense with the banking system… and that there literally isn’t enough value to go around for most people on the planet, Digital Currencies are a perfect replacement available right this very moment, NOW.

Bitcoin and all the other alt-coins do not use millennia old definitions of DEBT-lack based “Wealth” like the Rothschild Central Banks.  Digital Currencies -like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Zcash, etc- are CREDITS without usury.  The seigniorage is mined democratically by the people for the people and is share with and for our benefit.  The Central Bank of Central Banks -Bank of International Settlement in Jesuit Switzerland– even claims that Digital Currencies could hurt their “debt profits” and entirely disrupt the central bank model.

Continue reading Bank Insider Describes Inept Obsolete Global Banking System -The Reasons to use Bitcoin