The U.S. Is a Failed State – The Evidence

Editor’s note: We must act on truths.  We can ignore things, but not their consequences.  The Failure of the United States is past tense…  not some future.  It’s here and now.

via Global Research – Author’s note: This article contains over 100 hyperlinks. It is suggested that you read the text of the article first then go back and explore the linked sources at your leisure.

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The U.S. cannot and will not protect its citizens against attacks by violent armed assailants, especially as politicians are being bought off by gun manufacturers and the National Rifle Association.

The U.S. will not provide jobs or a living wage to a significant proportion of its population, especially youth and racial minorities.

The refusal of Congress to pass national single-payer health insurance is genocidal for the poor, the young, the elderly, and the underprivileged.

U.S. industry is poisoning the natural environment as the bee population is killed off by glyphosate and fungicides (ed: and Geoengineering chemicals and frequencies) and the food supply is degraded with GMOs and GE foods.

Continue reading The U.S. Is a Failed State – The Evidence

Brain-damaging vaccines, pesticides, medicines, and Harmful EM Radiation generate nearly $800 billion a year in medical revenues

This applies to fluoride and chlorine in the water, fly ash from geo-engineering (with aluminum, barium, and strontium), GMO foods with pesticides BUILT INTO the DNA of the food-like organisms, and Electromagnetic contamination.  See the second article.

The ADVANCED medical technologies that the Break-away civilization has would heal everyone…  but create exactly ZERO DEBT.  That is the “problem” with medical health…  it is not a model for creation of more debt.

Brain-damaging vaccines, pesticides and medicines generate nearly $800 billion a year in medical revenues

Monday, April 17, 2017 by:

The current estimated annual cost for nine of the most common neurological disorders in the U.S. was a hefty $789 billion, a recent paper revealed. According to the paper, these conditions include Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, traumatic brain injury and Parkinson’s disease, as well as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury.

Continue reading Brain-damaging vaccines, pesticides, medicines, and Harmful EM Radiation generate nearly $800 billion a year in medical revenues