“You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy” Already Happened

It already happened.

With attorneys…. and assuming a “legal identity.”

Summary: Everything you think you own is/was considered “legal property of their legal identity”; including your body, brain, and mind. They own their legal identity [a legal person; granted personhood by corporate personhood] which we ASSUME to BE us as real living wo/men. And if their “legal person-identity” own YOUR property legally…. then you already own nothing, and are ignorantly happy.

<rant>#CensorTube keep censoring my comments like this, so this is my response. Twitter also blocked my account and is/was giving an error when passing the Turing test and does not take. Therefore, my twitter account is/was not reactivating… Is it even a valid platform?</rant>

The government owns all your property via their “legal identity for you.” THEY can’t regulate it [in courtrooms] without YOUR property being THEIR legal identity/person’s legal property. “Your property” is/was “legal property” of THEIR legal identity person, which they own, but you assume to BE you, but you are not it. You are not a citizen. Only the “legal person” is a citizen. Show me the law that connects THEIR legal identity TO YOU as if IT were YOU. Show me the contract [the question from “A Warrior Calls” c|-|4|\||\|3|_].

Do you not get how belittling it is assume yourself to be an IT for “law” under these illegitimate law of war “courtrooms” pretending to be our local “American Courts”? That’s why and how we are FORCED to treat our time as worth NOTHING, and then get “taxed” on all of it. The legal person’s time IS LITERALLY worth nothing all the time. Your time is worth something ALL the time.

The gov’t owns “your” legal name, legal identities, driver’s license, legal presence, SSN, birth certificate, etc. You are using THEIR paperwork to identify as THEIR property…. which is labelled a “legal person” with “constitutional rights” via “corporation personhood.” THEIR legal identity FOR YOU is an incorporation! It’s YOU IN BUSINESS. it’s “you” within their business. Government is a business. no joke. they are a governmental services corporation with a long history behind it and that conversion from OG republic to municipal/territorial incorporations rendering the services of government but without being a government. their authority is LAW OF WAR under the UN.

The UN repurposed WW2 belligerency against the people in the form of “gov’t” and Low of War military “courtROOMS”. It’s licensed lawfare under the UN. That gold fringe flag? The only legal construction is Army Regulation 840-10, 2-3, b & c4.

The problem is that EVERYTHING that you think you own is considered to be owned as “legal property” of THEIR “legal person”… including your own body, brain, and mind. Yes. they are claiming to own our mind “legally.” I was mentally tortured over this, directly, for “wrong beliefs” [as judged by objectively “legally incompetent” MDs] that all “legally competent” attorneys said is/was legally true, despite being merely legal fiction unicorns. They treat KNOWLEDGE OF LAW as a psychiatric condition. So be warned. They are that ignorant, stubborn, and malicious. They “normalize” BEING a “legal person” which should be considered “legal incompetence” because YOU are NOT THEIR *IT*. It’s human slavery in the form of a “right” to “being a [legal] person.” How messed up is that.

>> diversion: root of Attorney is “ATTORN”; legally defined as “to turn a good over to another.” Attorney clients are all “the good” (literally property!) and turned over to the gov’t (as the other) as legal property for administrative management. How is this not literally human slavery in the form of attorneys, courtrooms, judges, and gov’t? Not a single attorney will tell me how their profession isn’t literally outlawed human slavery.

The UN is the single global issuer of “legal presence” (aka “citizenship”) for all UN Member-States, even the UNITED STATES, as UN Nationals. each UN Member-State customizes it into their own “citizenship” and can be transferred around, like with passports. “UN Nationals” are any “citizen” of a UN Member-State…. or any war criminals. And that’s what they did. Courtrooms call us UN Nationals by defining everyone, by default, as a WW2 war criminal. The UN didn’t end WW2, they expanded it to everyone on the planet by calling everyone UN National war criminals. Just like what the US did with the Civil War, which didn’t end, it was expanded to all Americans in the form of the Federal Reserve money racket. [anyone using foreign money, like federal reserve notes, is a WW2 enemy combatant. so sad. we are set up for failure and deprivation of rights, systemically designed into the system. It contradicts itself, but that’s the point they use and weaponize against us from both sides]

The court can only rule and regulate “you” and “your property” if they already own you (via “your” “legal identity”) and all of “your property”, in violation of the 5th Amendment, btw, “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

This is the base argument people make for how “everything is pre-paid.” your home, car, college education, credit cards, etc.

And there is evidence that THEY are using “our” (aka THEIR) b-cert (FOR US, but is not us nor identifies us) as bank notes to fund their war crimes against humanity in the form of “gov’t” with the b-certs.

The relationship between you and THEIR legal identity PRESUMED to be you is as surety (UCC 3-402 b2). which if we exercised legal competency, we could exercise the other law where we are NOT surety! very simple. UCC 3-402b1. It’s in our signature and a Power of Attorney.

Attorneys, and especially gov’t attorneys, DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW. attorneys are the “sovereign citizens” among us, if there are any.

Given the nature of what a “legal person” is (aka: it is a corporation) and our relationship to it (as trustee, executor [in another roll], surety, and attorney-in-fact/authorized representative), this meets the minimum requirement of a JOB for having/being a “legal person” 24/7. so, overtime too. Minimum wage applies. They have been owing us Universal Basic Income since 1938 when they implemented Minimum Wage “statutes.” we just haven’t been billing the “US” service corporation. We are owed back pay for “having/being” their “legal person” since birth [to 1938], btw.

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