Whistleblower: Justin Carter Exposes “Targeted Individual” Industry, Frequency Technology (voice to skull, neural capture), and Private DNA Databases (without consent)

This one hour “spill the beans” is well worth listening to because Bryan Kofron (alias Justin Carter) worked for Security Industry Specialists, Inc (SIS) on targeting individuals with undisclosed advanced technologies to manipulate peoples’ minds. He became so revolted at what the company was doing to people that he had to blow the whistle. The technology is mind blowing, and mind altering. Apparently, all of Seattle is subject to a frequency used to induce a specific thought and/or feeling. “Artificial telepathy” is a thing. There could be a time very soon when all Americans are under the influence of this technology.

Continue reading Whistleblower: Justin Carter Exposes “Targeted Individual” Industry, Frequency Technology (voice to skull, neural capture), and Private DNA Databases (without consent)

Children Vaccinated in UK School Without Parental Knowledge nor Consent; Canada, America Next?

Here is yet another reason to not send your children back to school.


The Illusion of Freedom

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion of freedom. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” ~Frank Zappa

We fall under the illusion of freedom when we consent to be governed. We believe we live in a fair and democratic society yet we fail to grasp the true meaning of words such as democratic, republic, inalienable, and consent. When we decipher the words, we find that we live in a reality of inequity; a ‘world for the taking’ by a few at the expense of the many. Only when we know who we are— a spiritual being having a human experience— will the system of slavery be changed.

Weaponized Words

The illusion of freedom happens when we consent to the language. We are convinced that paper documents and laws grant us certain inalienable rights, those being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet we overlook how unalienable was changed to inalienable in the final version of the Declaration of Independence. Unalienable rights are rights which cannot be sold or transferred, whereas inalienable rights can be! Unalienable rights are yours and yours alone. Without them, we are subjects of the government.

Continue reading The Illusion of Freedom

The Miranda Warning Hypocrisy: Legalizing Silence for Consent

As a reminder, The Miranda Warning is/was to legalize/fictionalize SILENCE.  Legalizing Silence formed the basis of the legal fiction “SILENCE IS CONSENT.”  Remaining silence is technically admission of not having a legal presence artificial person, as fictions must be something rather than nothing.  Thus, the Corporate Policy Enforcers are required to Legalize silence on the spot because otherwise it cannot be dictated legally/spiritually/magically after the fact.

Words are commands, and remaining silent affirms their false Legal Fictional “POWER OF ASSUMPTION.”  By using our copyright Freedom of Speech to not consent and/or conditionally accept, seems to be the only remedy.

Speech is also assumed as legal as well.  It’s a catch-22.  There are no winners; that is until we step into our power.  The whole legal fictional system is fraud and we all need to treat the fictional system as just that…  a fiction…  a fraud..  a slavery system.

Last week I was threatened with physical violence and legal harassment by Wells Fargo simply for cashing a check from Western Union that Wells Fargo calls, “A Fictional Instrument.”  The banks are responding with real violence and legal harassment over bank described fictional debt instruments.  Where does it end?