The Smoking Gun: Global Government, Covid-19 Medical Tyranny, AI, 5G, and the UN Military take over of Earth

Investigative report on the Covid-19 Pandemic and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors including 5G

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Benjamin Fulford  August 31, 2020 Benjamin

The Association des Officiers De Réserve (Association of Army Reserve Officers) spent 50 days investigating issues related to the 2020 “pandemic”. The report has been prohibited from disclosure for the time being. However, in view of the urgency and seriousness of the situation, we have chosen nevertheless to communicate it to civil society.

You have in your hands the “for the general public” version, with the Investigation Group’s names and the Unit’s symbols redacted.



May 13, 2020

In accordance with your instructions and in forwarding to you this report, the Investigation Group has the honour to convey to you its findings on the characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic, as we were able to observe them.

In order to propose a prevention protocol and to provide information on therapeutic approaches, it is necessary to establish the parameters of the pathogenic agent, which has revealed serious inconsistencies in the official version.

These inconsistencies have led to the identification of obvious corruption and an agenda contrary to public welfare, culminating in criminal and genocidal intent, and the implementation of a totalitarian state, which are reported in our conclusions.

Head of the Investigation Group, [Name and signature withheld] WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Original document: Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs

The file “French Army Report on COVID-19 and 5G Translated to English” can be viewed here. (ED: and reposted here). Former United Nations Executive Claire Edwards reads the report:

Continue reading The Smoking Gun: Global Government, Covid-19 Medical Tyranny, AI, 5G, and the UN Military take over of Earth

Cell tower radiation confirmed to cause cancer in animals

Image: Cell tower radiation confirmed to cause cancer in animals

(Natural News) by  –  It’s not surprising that so many people have cancer nowadays. Carcinogens are in the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. We might be able to control what we choose to eat and drink, but the invisible dangers you’re exposed to in your daily life are another story entirely. If you happen to live within range of a cell phone tower, the news is grim: Another study can now be added to the growing pile of evidence linking cell phone tower radiation with cancer.

Researchers from the respected Ramazzini Institute have released the results of a sweeping lifetime study that involved exposing lab animals to environmental levels of radiation from cell towers. Their findings not only supported those of the U.S. National Toxicology Program that linked the radiation to a rare heart cancer in male rats known as Schwannoma of the heart, but they also discovered a higher incidence of malignant brain tumors in female rats. Rats of both genders displayed precancerous conditions like Schwann cell hyperplasia. In addition, the exposed rats had lower litter weights, raising particular concerns for children and pregnant women who live near these towers.

Continue reading Cell tower radiation confirmed to cause cancer in animals

5G – The Internet of Things: A Game for Morons and Control Freaks

via Investment Watch Blog – by Jon Rappoport.  – A vast cotton candy dream comes to life. O hail the glorious future! Your home will be automatic. It will run by itself. Push a button. Nothing else is required—

Planet-wide, all-encompassing, interconnected, automated, regulated, the Internet of Things is the system of systems being brought online by the emerging 5G wireless transmission apparatus.

In a previous article, I covered the health dangers of 5G. Here I analyze the technocratic wet dream come to life.

On the scale of the individual and the family, your home would be filled with devices connected to the Internet. Washers, dryers, heaters, air conditioners, refrigerators, toasters, stoves, television sets, security systems, cars, etc. At the first level, the devices would all record (spy on) your interactions with them and observe your energy use.

Continue reading 5G – The Internet of Things: A Game for Morons and Control Freaks

Do We Have a “Right” to Mental Privacy and “Cognitive Liberty”?

The only way to not have your essence “LEGALIZE” is to be NON-LEGAL.  Be defined as the Attorney-In-Fact over your Legal Presence by:

  1. Get a State and then a National Certificate of Authentication on the Long Form Birth Certificate
  2. Sign a Power of Attorney with ALL POWERS, enumerated and unenumerated, between “yourself” -as a legal presence-, and yourself -as a human being, in propria persona-.
  3. Your own Lawful ID not issued by any governmental services corporation, for yourself as a human being.  A Common Law ID works, so does a World Government of World Citizen ID.

Otherwise, the FBI claims ownership over “your” thoughts and memories.  They could mandate that all legal presences get microchipped.  Anyone too confused to know themselves separate from the “legal presence” might actually believe that they “must get RFID chipped,” when [MONEY] ORDER mandating RFID chips would only be for these corporations/pieces of paper that don’t have bodies.  As the CEO/President/Executor of the corporation artificial “person”, we don’t need to get microchipped when the corporation that we are DBA is mandated for RFID chipping, that’s non-sense…  a mere legal fiction.

What Really Is 5G Wireless About?

What Really Is 5G About?

After my article “Is This What You Want Outside Your Bedroom Window”appeared, one of the EMF researchers, whom I network with, emailed comments, which I have permission to share with readers.  The researcher wants to remain anonymous, which I respect, but was a former military radar specialist and also worked as a radiology specialist in hospitals, so he knows more about EMFs/RFs than most of us.  Here are his comments to consider.

5G is serious stuff. We are living in very serious times. And no one seems to know, or wants to know, just how serious a price we have to pay for all our wireless tech addictions.  I know from personal experience that 99.9% of Americans do not even know what “G” stands for, nor do they know anything about the scientifically- proven lethal radiation emitted from their children’s phones and  Wi-Fi.  [“G” stands for generation of power.]

The Elana Freeland video  in your article is a must-see!  YouTube is literally now exploding with warnings on 5G and pulsed microwave wireless harms, which the Mainstream Media have on total lockdown. This is 11:59:59 of the 11th Hour.

Continue reading What Really Is 5G Wireless About?