All Vaccines Violate US Law FDA MUST Pull Them NOW


(via aircrap) Newton, NJ – 15 March 2019 – The Natural Solutions Foundation and the Institute for Health Research have joined forces with the World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer, Kent Heckenlively, California Attorney-at-Law.  Counsel Heckenlively is the father of a seriously vaccine injured child. He is well-known for crusading world-wide for Informed Consent.  Highlighting the growing vaccine truth censorship he has been banned from Australia and other countries for his Informed Consent advocacy.
Counsel Heckenlively says:  “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Esq. recently proved in court what we’ve said for years:  the FDA has been approving vaccines as drugs in defiance of the 1986 law that was supposed to make vaccines safer.  Instead, they’ve become ever more dangerous, even deadly. I’ve become the World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer by taking on the corrupt vaccine industry.”
The Citizens Petition was filed on March 8th, seeking FDA emergency action to suspend all current vaccine approvals until, and unless, the reporting and safety provisions of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act are finally enforced.   The Petition includes a demand to the President that he should abide by the US Constitution requirement, in Article 2, Section 3, that he “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…” The Administrative Procedures Act (APA) requires Federal Agencies to respond to formal APA petitions filed at within 90 days.
FDA was given binding statutory responsibility to provide annual reports to Congress on the safety and efficacy of every approved vaccine.  Not one such report has been produced or submitted in direct violation of the law.

Continue reading All Vaccines Violate US Law FDA MUST Pull Them NOW

Lawsuit Proves HHS Hasn’t Filed Required Vaccine Safety Reports with Congress IN 30 YEARS

A lawsuit against the HHS has forced the agency to admit that they never, not once, filed the required biannual reports with Congress on increasing vaccine safety.

This removal of liability has created the incentive to turn out new vaccines with very little testing, as the companies don’t have to worry about financial hardships for injuring people, which in turn has shaped the situation that we find ourselves in today.

In the last 2 decades, we’ve witnessed a near 300% increase in the number of CDC recommended vaccines. As the vaccine companies no longer had an incentive to rigorously test the safety of their vaccines, the responsibility of testing vaccine safety was then passed to the US government.

Now, a lawsuit filed against the US Department of Health and Human Services., on behalf of the  Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and counsel, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has revealed that the biannual reports for these safety studies — as required by Congress — have never happened. 

Continue reading Lawsuit Proves HHS Hasn’t Filed Required Vaccine Safety Reports with Congress IN 30 YEARS

Government document confirms vaccine link to microcephaly in babies

(Natural News by ) The adverse event-deniers who insist that vaccines are 100 percent safe and never cause any problems in children clearly missed a little-known 1991 study published by the United States Government. This paper reveals a clear link between the popular Tdap vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough), and microcephaly, a neurological birth defect that in recent years authorities have been erroneously blaming on the Zika virus.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) offered up clear evidence at the time showing that the combination jab can cause not only brain damage in young children, but also heart problems, meningitis, and epilepsy. Epidemiological evidence from human case studies showed that within weeks or even days of getting the Tdap shot, children developed infantile spasms and other common symptoms of microcephaly directly related to the vaccine.

Continue reading Government document confirms vaccine link to microcephaly in babies

North Carolina State BAR Sues Leading Vaccine Rights Attorney in Classic Witchhunt

Originally published on

The North Carolina State Bar, the agency that licenses NC attorneys, has taken the unprecedented step of filing a lawsuit against the nation’s leading vaccine rights attorney, Alan Phillips, J.D., to force Phillips to hand over years of his clients’ files or risk being jailed for civil contempt…

Attorney Phillips is the nation’s leading Vaccine Rights attorney, the only attorney whose practice is focused solely on vaccine exemptions and vaccine legislative activism, and who works with clients, attorneys, legislators and activists nationally in virtually every possible U.S. exemption setting.[1] North Carolina is known as “Vaccine Central” for its award-winning vaccine companies.[2] So, it’s not surprising that the NC State Bar is going after Phillips, with what Phillips claims are invented facts and law in a series of steps that appear to have been designed from the start to disbar Phillips, for helping people legally avoid vaccines. This is not just a personal attack against Phillips, it’s an attack on the entire vaccine awareness movement, given Phillips’ unique role in helping clients nationally with exemptions and legislative activism! So, please 1) share this story far and wide, 2) sign the petition linked below, 3) donate to support Phillips’ legal defense fund, and 4) stay tuned for updates to this story! (links below)

Continue reading North Carolina State BAR Sues Leading Vaccine Rights Attorney in Classic Witchhunt

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered

doctors murdered

From DC Clothes Line–      

Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO)

Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells.

According to Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!

Continue reading Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered

Big Pharma Developing Cholesterol Vaccine while Lawsuits from Cholesterol Drugs Mount

As Lawsuits Against Cholesterol Drugs Mount, Big Pharma Develops a Cholesterol Vaccine

The cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor is the best-selling drug of all time, grossing over $140 billion, with no serious close competitors in the history of pharmaceutical drugs.

One out of every four Americans over the age of 50 is taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol. However, these blockbuster drugs have run through their patent life, and now generics dominate the market.

So Big Pharma is looking at new ways to patent new drugs to lower your cholesterol.

The latest? A vaccine is being developed to lower your cholesterol.

Unfortunately, this vaccine is based on the bogus lipid theory of obesity and heart disease fostered by physiologist Ancel Keys’ flawed Seven Countries Study circa 1961. The lipid theory of saturated fats causing obesity and heart disease led to vilifying cholesterol, which is an important pre-hormone and tissue building block substance created by our bodies.

Continue reading Big Pharma Developing Cholesterol Vaccine while Lawsuits from Cholesterol Drugs Mount

Dane Wigington: The Environmental Threats We Face– Run-Away Exponential Environmental Destruction

Post-Documentary Film Screening Q & A – Dane Wigington
Lead Researcher for

Environment, Fluoride in the Water, Vaccination, [Fukushima] Radiation, Fake News, False FlagsGMO Food and Glyphosate, CERN – FCC, Wifi RadiationGeo-engineering, mind-numbing prescription medications, etc are each profoundly important.  The strangeness is/was that these things going on and the population seemingly be willing to go along with it.

New Born Babies get Hepatitis B Vaccines directly out of the womb before leaving the hospital.

The Powers-That-Were are/were totally off the rails.  Given the evidence of aerosol spraying, we have much bigger problems than fluoride in water, vaccination, prescription medications, and TV Mind-Programming/Fake News– though they go together.  Together these issues tend to make a population to not respond rationally.  It makes them willing to “go along, to get along,” docile, and submissive.

Continue reading Dane Wigington: The Environmental Threats We Face– Run-Away Exponential Environmental Destruction

New Study: Neuro-developmental Disorders Only Linked to Those Children Who Were Vaccinated

New Studies Reveal Vaccine Harm

By Dr. Mercola

When it comes to vaccine safety, a complaint that I’ve frequently expressed is the lack of credible studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.

At best, we’ve had vaccination surveys1 based on self-reported data,2 and while that evidence strongly suggested unvaccinated children experience better health and fewer health problems, they were dismissed by most public health officials as unimportant. There are also published studies showing annual influenza vaccination takes its toll on your health, 3,4,5,6 and may do more harm than good in the long term.

Now, two pilot studies led by Anthony Mawson,7 an interdisciplinary epidemiologist and social scientist with a doctorate in public health, have helped to shed some light on the topic.

The gold standard in scientific research is replication and, while the conclusions of these studies need to be replicated using other data sources, they are another piece of evidence showing there are negative health outcomes for vaccinated children, and that unvaccinated children are actually healthier. It’s a good start, and it’s important to know these studies exist.

Continue reading New Study: Neuro-developmental Disorders Only Linked to Those Children Who Were Vaccinated

Adult Victims of Vaccine Damage can Sue Manufacturers in US, INC

* This is not a pro- nor anti-vaccine position.  It is a public service message of dangers of certain unnecessary chemicals used in vaccines.

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US.  Major media aren’t giving this story the coverage it deserves. I certainly am.

Short question: Can a person sue a US vaccine manufacturer?
Short answer: Under certain conditions, yes.

Continue reading Adult Victims of Vaccine Damage can Sue Manufacturers in US, INC

Brain-damaging vaccines, pesticides, medicines, and Harmful EM Radiation generate nearly $800 billion a year in medical revenues

This applies to fluoride and chlorine in the water, fly ash from geo-engineering (with aluminum, barium, and strontium), GMO foods with pesticides BUILT INTO the DNA of the food-like organisms, and Electromagnetic contamination.  See the second article.

The ADVANCED medical technologies that the Break-away civilization has would heal everyone…  but create exactly ZERO DEBT.  That is the “problem” with medical health…  it is not a model for creation of more debt.

Brain-damaging vaccines, pesticides and medicines generate nearly $800 billion a year in medical revenues

Monday, April 17, 2017 by:

The current estimated annual cost for nine of the most common neurological disorders in the U.S. was a hefty $789 billion, a recent paper revealed. According to the paper, these conditions include Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, traumatic brain injury and Parkinson’s disease, as well as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury.

Continue reading Brain-damaging vaccines, pesticides, medicines, and Harmful EM Radiation generate nearly $800 billion a year in medical revenues

Vaccines Contaminated with Cancer-Causing Glyphosate

Vaccines contain Gelatin that comes from animal bones… bones that bio-accumulate glyphosate!

Glyphosate [Round-Up from Monsanto] is found to be a carcinogen.

And people are injecting this DIRECTLY into the body?

The CDC, NIH, and FDA, and UN Health Office seem to be more interested in protecting the Corporate Vaccine Racket and Profit than Human Health.

Sound Money UK: How Money is Created through UK Private Banks

Essentially Economic Cycles depend upon the Bankers Moods, and the Bankers have painted themselves into a corner without any real “escape.”

Maybe Trump wasn’t so incorrect when he said:

“My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings, but I try.”

“Let me just understand that a little bit,” my [Attorney] said. “Let’s talk about net worth for a second. You said that the net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings?”

“Yes, even my own feelings, as to where the world is, where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day.”

[Attorney:] “When you publicly state what you’re worth, what do you base that number on?”

“I would say it’s my general attitude at the time that the question may be asked,” Donald responded. “And as I say, it varies.”

Donald Trump wouldn’t be the billionaire he is without the [Deutsche Bank] Bankers loans to him and others who provided their loan debt from the banks to him.  Such as these:

Though, if Trump had just simply invested in the “Stock Market” index funds, his net worth would be $13 Billion rather than the measly $4 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.

Other billionaires’ net worths have beaten the stock market’s growth in that time. Bill Gates, for example, saw his grow increase 7,173% since 1988 to $80 billion. Warren Buffet’s wealth grew 2,612% in the same time period, to $67.8 billion.

Probably because Trump is not involved in the UN Agenda 21 Depopulation through Vaccines in the ways of Bill Gates.  Gates publicly announced that Vaccines reduce population.  Gates is very involved in delivery of vaccines.

Though there are many issues with the current State of Vaccines.  They can be made safe…  just like fluoride in public water supply: don’t add the harmful substances when creating/distributing it.

Unregulated “Impurities” in vaccines seem to be causing havoc in babies… giving them Autism (Spectrum Disorder) from “vaccine impurities” damage.


This is to say that Debt is created upon the DEATH of the artificial person “legal presence corporate insurance franchise Trust TRADE-NAME© PUBLIC OFFICE that “represents” the human being.  Bill Gates may have some kind of direct and/or indirect method to profit from the production of Death Certificate Bank Notes.

Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have gone so far though there seems to be some odd psycho/socio-pathy in these Debt Billionaires (and who knows how much more).

The Amounts of Debt that the Banks have created is so large as to be [nearly] incomprehensible!

From Every Loan by Every Fractional Reserve Bank is Fraudulent:

The Counsel on Foreign Relations has papers stating:

Special Federal Reserve Board Account no. 5525525424AM with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ 2, 178, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 reconfirmed and reconsidered matured audit dated December 1, 2008 that guaranteed and reconfirmed earned worth of US$ 410, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 from the month of October up to this month in the total of US$ 2, 588, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000.

This is 2.588 million trillion trillion trillion trillion (which is four trillions stacked in a row).  Put another way, 2.588 billion billion billion billion billion billion (which is six billions stacked in a row).  2.588 septendecillion Federal Reserve Notes.  This is in the Federal Reserve Banking system.  Janet Yellen knows about that account.

The only way that 2.588 Septendecillion Federal Reserve Notes can be created is on a computer with digital ones and zeros that really amounts to nothing real.  Indeed,  all legal tender is nothing more than a mere “Legal Fiction“: An assumption that something occurred or someone or something exists which, in fact, is not the case, but that is made in the law [read: legal system] to enable a [fictitious] court to equitably [read: debt-money, negotiable instruments] resolve a matter before it.